The E-22 double-barreled repeating blaster rifle, also referenced as the E-22 blaster rifle, was a repeating blaster weapon with two barrels. It was a larger and more potent weapon compared to the standard E-11 medium blaster rifle employed by Galactic Empire stormtroopers. This weapon saw action throughout the Age of the Empire and was a common armament for coastal defender stormtroopers stationed at the highly classified Imperial security complex located on the tropical planet of Scarif, as well as mudtroopers based on Mimban.

Imperial swamp troopers made use of the E-22, including many stationed on the planet Mimban with the 224th Imperial Armored Division during the year 10 BBY as part of the Mimban Campaign. Corporal Wesger Odry was among those who utilized this rifle. Swamp troopers were trained to ensure the blaster's recoil sleeve remained clear of mud, as mud contamination could lead to weapon failures. In one instance, two swamp troopers, both equipped with E-22s, engaged in combat within a wooded area. These troopers, alongside at least one other swamp trooper, served as the vanguard for Imperial forces, with one firing their blaster at some point during the engagement.
During the Battle of Scarif, numerous shoretroopers employed the E-22 against forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Despite their efforts, the Galactic Empire was unsuccessful in preventing the Rebel squad "Rogue One" from successfully stealing the Death Star plans from the Scarif vault. Consequently, the facility, along with all shoretroopers present on the surface, was obliterated by a single reactor blast originating from the Death Star. This order was given by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in a failed attempt to prevent the plans from being transmitted to Princess Leia Organa aboard the Tantive IV, which then escaped the battle by jumping to hyperspace.

In the years following the Empire's collapse, the E-22 remained in use by forces of the Imperial remnant. The Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin encountered a stormtrooper wielding an E-22 during the retrieval of Grogu from an Imperial compound. Later, Djarin and his allies found themselves trapped within the cantina on Nevarro by a contingent of stormtroopers, some of whom were armed with E-22 blaster rifles. Furthermore, coastal defender stormtroopers within the Morak Imperial remnants continued to utilize E-22 rifles around 9 ABY.