First Order stormtrooper executioner

First Order stormtrooper executioners, alternatively called First Order Judicial Stormtroopers or executioner stormtroopers, consisted of First Order stormtroopers chosen at random from the existing ranks. Their assignment was to carry out final justice on enemies and traitors to the First Order.


Executioner troopers carried laser axes.

The First Order held a particularly unforgiving stance on treason, even more so than the Galactic Empire which considered even critical remarks as treason. As a result, the First Order Executioner troopers frequently performed multiple public executions each day on individuals suspected of even minor loyalty issues. Moreover, the executioner trooper position was rotated frequently during each session, and at times served as an evaluation of a trooper's suitability for the Stormtrooper Corps. Their training focused on dealing with anyone disloyal to the First Order, which was viewed as a beneficial training method for stormtroopers. Unlike the majority of stormtrooper variants, they did not originate from a specialized unit, but were instead chosen at random from regular stormtroopers on a daily basis, based on assignment requirements. When wearing the Executioner trooper armor, their identity remained concealed by disabling the broadcast of their serial number, which was typically displayed on other stormtroopers' equipment. The Executioner trooper's helmet also contained a built-in vocoder to disguise their voice. Only their commanding officer knew who they were.

Before his defection from the First Order, Finn was assigned to executioner duty, hoping each day would conclude without the need to carry out any executions.

First Order executioner troopers on the Supremacy

Following Finn's defection to the Resistance and his subsequent capture on the Supremacy, Captain Phasma ordered two executioners to execute Finn and his companion Rose Tico, considering a blaster execution "too good for them." The selected executioners prepared to behead them upon Phasma's command. However, just as she gave the order, the Supremacy was suddenly struck by Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo's suicide maneuver, where she propelled the heavy cruiser Raddus into the Supremacy at lightspeed. The two executioners, along with most of those in the hangar, were killed instantly in the resulting destruction.

Onboard a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre directed two executioners to escort TIE fighter pilots Tamara Ryvora and Jace Rucklin, the latter of whom claimed innocence, to a cell block. Upon reaching their destination, the executioners were shot down by Jarek Yeager, who, accompanied by Kazuda Xiono, had arrived to rescue Tam. The three were later apprehended, and a second pair of executioners escorted them to the bridge. During the attack on the Star Destroyer by the Colossus, the prisoners seized the opportunity to escape. Yeager, while grappling with a stormtrooper, used their F-11D blaster rifle to eliminate the two executioners. Kaz, who had been fighting the second executioner, absconded with their BL-155 Laser ax.


First Order executioner troopers aboard a Resurgent-class Star Destroyer.

Executioners wore distinctively marked armor with a carbon-finish, signifying their role. Furthermore, their equipment prevented the transmission of serial numbers to other squad members, maintaining their anonymity. Their helmets also featured polarized lenses and Multi-Frequency Targeting and Acquisition Systems. They were armed with BL-155 Laser axes designed to inflict significant pain during executions.

Behind the scenes

Two executioners in The Last Jedi behind-the-scenes footage from the D23 Expo

The First Order stormtrooper executioners were conceived for the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, directed by Rian Johnson. The official unveiling of the executioner occurred in behind-the-scenes footage from The Last Jedi at the D23 Expo in July 2017.

