
Electrum Faceted electrum

Electrum refers to a certain type of crystal that exhibits both purple and blue hues, and is sourced from the Anoat sector. This particular crystal had the ability to be utilized as a finishing element, bestowing a reflective gold-like luster to both weaponry and armor.


Mace Windu's lightsaber (pictured in use by Windu) featured an electrum finish.

Back in 232 BBY, the Jedi symbol at the Elphrona Outpost, which was covered in electrum, reflected sunlight as Bell Zettifar, a Jedi Padawan, was getting ready for training alongside his mentor, Loden Greatstorm, a Jedi Knight. It is worth noting that Burryaga's lightsaber was entirely plated with pure electrum. Furthermore, Avar Kriss, a Jedi Master, had a solitary piece of silver-white electrum incorporated into her lightsaber. The hilt belonging to Mace Windu's lightsaber was uniquely adorned with an electrum finish, a characteristic it shared with the lightsabers wielded by Darth Sidious.

The armor and personal F-11D blaster rifle belonging to Pyre, a Commander in the First Order, also incorporated an electrum finishing, resulting in a reflective, gold-toned appearance.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Electrum occurred as a finish on the hilt of Windu's lightsaber, featured in the prequel trilogy movie known as Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which premiered on May 16, 2002. The material was initially teased in the trailer for Attack of the Clones, which was launched earlier that year on March 10. Within the established Star Wars canon, electrum was formally identified within the 2015 reference publication titled Ultimate Star Wars.

Electrum was first presented within the Star Wars Legends continuity through the 1996 West End Games roleplaying guide, Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook, authored by Peter M. Schweighofer. Its debut in novel form took place in Barbara Hambly's 1997 novel, Planet of Twilight. In reality, electrum represents a naturally occurring alloy consisting of gold, silver, and other metals.

Within the 2019 video game titled Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, players had the option to customize Cal Kestis' lightsaber with electrum plating. The 2023 sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, expanded this feature, allowing players to apply electrum plating to the lightsaber, Kestis' blaster pistol, and BD-1, Kestis' droid companion.

