Forn Dodonna

During the Jedi Civil War, Forn Dodonna held the rank of admiral within the Republic Navy. She stood out as one of the most experienced and highly ranked officers in the naval forces throughout the conflict. As the war neared its conclusion, Carth Onasi contacted Dodonna, providing her with crucial intelligence regarding the Star Forge, a colossal space station and automated factory complex employed by the Sith. Dodonna spearheaded the assault against the Star Forge, receiving assistance from Jedi Master Vandar Tokare. With the aid of Padawan Bastila Shan's battle meditation, Dodonna successfully breached the Sith blockade surrounding the Star Forge and issued orders for her vessels to target and destroy the space station's primary stabilizer. In recognition of their invaluable contributions during the battle, she later bestowed awards upon the crew of the Ebon Hawk, which included Carth.


Serving as an admiral within the Republic Navy, Dodonna commanded Republic forces against the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War from her flagship. As the conflict progressed, Admiral Dodonna received a communication from Carth Onasi, another officer in the navy. Onasi revealed the location of the Star Forge, a massive orbital factory of ancient origin from the Infinite Empire. The Star Forge was producing the starships and war droids that fueled the Sith fleet. Dodonna understood this was the chance she needed to bring the war to an end. Assembling a fleet, Admiral Dodonna set course for the Star Forge system. Along the way, Dodonna's fleet encountered survivors from the Sith attack on the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Led by Jedi Master Vandar Tokare, the group joined the fleet in its mission to destroy the Star Forge.

Admiral Dodonna as a hologram, communicating with the Ebon Hawk.

Upon their arrival, Dodonna's fleet encountered a formidable defense fleet safeguarding the Star Forge. Carth Onasi contacted Dodonna again from the Ebon Hawk, reporting that his crew had disabled a massive interdictor field emanating from Lehon, preventing the fleet's destruction. Facing heavy casualties, Dodonna considered a retreat, but Carth argued that the Republic might not have another opportunity to strike the Star Forge. Dodonna relented, and the crew of the Ebon Hawk, guided by Master Vandar, prepared to lead a Jedi strike team onto the Star Forge to eliminate Darth Malak, the Sith Empire's leader.

Meanwhile, Dodonna faced her own challenges. Her fleet was confronted by an impenetrable defensive line, preventing a direct bombardment of the Star Forge. Carth attributed this to Bastila Shan, a fallen Jedi using battle meditation, a Force ability that bolstered allied morale and demoralized enemies, influencing the entire battle. Bastila's influence allowed the Sith to counter Dodonna's strategies. Despite this, Dodonna persisted.

Dodonna's capital ships reinforce the positions of Red and Green Squadrons.

The situation changed when Bastila's battle meditation ceased affecting the Republic fleet. Dodonna's relentless attacks created a breach in the Sith formation, splitting it. Exploiting this, Dodonna dispatched Red Squadron and Green Squadron to widen the gap, followed by her capital ships to reinforce their positions.

Dodonna's fleet moves to attack the Star Forge directly.

Reaching effective range, Dodonna's fleet launched a concentrated assault on the Star Forge. Recognizing that the Star Forge was too heavily shielded for direct destruction, Dodonna proposed a precision strike against its main orbital stabilizers. Destroying these would cause the Star Forge to fall into the nearby star. The strategy was enacted. After her capital ships destroyed the stabilizers, Dodonna ordered a fleet withdrawal to avoid potential losses during the Star Forge's fall.

The Star Forge was destroyed, colliding with a solar flare and incinerating from within. With the Star Forge gone and Malak defeated, the Sith fleet collapsed, allowing the Republic to reclaim lost territory.

Returning to Lehon, the fleet celebrated their victory. Dodonna awarded the crew of the Ebon Hawk the Cross of Glory, the Republic's highest honor, at the Temple of the Ancients (where they disabled the disruptor field generator), recognizing their invaluable support during the battle. Even the crew's droids received medals.

The war ended quickly. The Dark Jedi and Sith Lords on Korriban fought each other for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, left vacant by Malak's death. This infighting crippled the Sith war effort, ending the Jedi Civil War, though the Republic faced a long recovery. It is likely Dodonna promoted Carth to admiral during this period. Admiral Onasi would be important during the Dark Wars.

Personality and traits

Dodonna possessed a strong will. She was one of the few female fleet commanders in history. Despite her gender, she was respected and served faithfully. Dodonna was compassionate, caring for her fleet and considering retreat during the Battle of the Star Forge. She was also appreciative and accepted help. Dodonna awarded the crew of the Ebon Hawk the Cross of Glory, giving them credit for the victory.

However, her military traits were what earned her rank. Dodonna was a skilled commander, overseeing operations and using substrategies to win. This multitasking could be distracting, causing her to miss enemy maneuvers. However, it was crucial during the Battle of the Star Forge, where every fighter mattered against Bastila's battle meditation. She saw every ship as important and used them effectively. When she saw an opportunity, she seized it. During the Battle of the Star Forge, Dodonna expanded a breach in the enemy formation, pushing her capital ships behind her fighters, splitting the Sith ranks and allowing her to bombard the Star Forge.

Dodonna was a perfectionist, neatly groomed with excellent posture. She had brown hair and gray eyes.

Behind the scenes

Dark side ending

Upon arriving in the Star Forge system, Admiral Dodonna's fleet encountered a Sith defense fleet guarding the Star Forge. The battle resulted in heavy losses for Dodonna's fleet. Jedi Knight Bastila Shan contacted Dodonna, reporting the deactivated disruptor field and the death of Carth Onasi during the attack on the field's generator. Saddened by Carth's death, Dodonna considered retreating. However, Bastila urged her to press the attack. Master Vandar suggested Bastila and her Jedi companion lead a strike team to capture Darth Malak. Bastila agreed and departed for the Star Forge.

The Sith fleet defends the Star Forge against Dodonna's attack.

The Sith countered every maneuver with precision. Vandar revealed that Bastila had fallen to the dark side of the Force, using her battle meditation to aid the Sith. Vandar suggested retreating, but Dodonna refused, resolving to fight to the end.

Sith fighters swarm in effort to overwhelm Dodonna's position.

A wave of Sith fighters attacked Dodonna's ranks, destroying many of her own fighters. A Sith battleship launched a point-blank assault, causing Dodonna to lose ships. She decided to retreat, but Vandar pointed out that the Sith had cut off their escape. Realizing her fleet was doomed, Dodonna awaited her end.

A wing of Sith fighters intercepted Dodonna's flagship. After concentrated fire, the shields failed, and the flagship was destroyed, killing Dodonna, Vandar, and the crew.

With Dodonna gone, the Sith overwhelmed the Republic fleet. Darth Revan, the former Sith leader, killed Malak and retook the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. He and Bastila began constructing the Infinite Fleet using the Star Forge. With Dodonna, the Jedi from Dantooine, and the fleet gone, Revan was poised to conquer the Core Worlds. However, Revan vanished, and the Sith fleet disbanded. The remnants were hunted down by Republic forces. Dodonna's absence was felt during the restoration and the Jedi Purge.

