Leia Organa is shown composing a message utilizing Aurebesh.
Writing, a form of visual communication, served as a means for sentient beings to express language. A writing system refers to a standardized collection of visual symbols representing language units. Examples of such systems are Aurebesh, High Galactic, Outer Rim Basic, and the Umbaran alphabet.
In older times, the act of writing involved the manual application of pigmented material onto a surface, typically using a handheld instrument. The ancient Sith, for instance, documented their knowledge on scrolls. As technology advanced, the creation of virtual written text became possible, bypassing the need for intricate hand movements. Following the Battle of Endor, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan occasionally chose to handwrite letters when she felt a personal touch was necessary. Individuals like Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and Rey maintained handwritten journals. Emperor Palpatine was also known to dispatch handwritten correspondence on occasion. However, by the height of the New Republic, the practice of handwriting had become quite rare.
"Calligraphy" was the term for the artistic style of handwriting. During his studying under Luke Skywalker to become a Jedi, Ben Solo practiced calligraphy. A calligraphy kit, complete with pens, parchment, and an inkwell, was kept by Solo in his living space at Skywalker's temple.