Finn Shallo

Finn Shallo was a male Human journalist residing on Corellia during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Following the Battle of Yavin, Finn Shallo held the position of editor at the Corellia Times, which was located in Coronet City. He was in charge of a team of reporters and had a reputation as a knowledgeable individual concerning Corellian criminal and terrorist organizations. Throughout his career, he collaborated with Demmi Wot, a former member of the Ragtags, who assisted him in acquiring details about these illicit groups.

In the year 1 ABY, Finn Shallo consented to aid a spacer working for CorSec Lieutenant Mack Jasper, providing intelligence pertaining to the Meatlump criminals. Due to Shallo's assistance, the spacer uncovered the Ragtags' involvement in acts of vandalism at the Coronet Starport.

Concurrently, Finn Shallo provided assistance to a spacer in locating the owner of a viewscreen bearing the Corellia Times logo, which had been recovered from a Meatlump sublieutenant.

Behind the scenes

Finn Shallo appeared as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game launched in 2003. The video game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011.

The character of Finn Shallo was integrated into the game on August 4, 2005, with the launch of "Publish 21." He played a role in two separate questlines: "Ral Mundi's quest" and "Vani Korr's quest." "Ral Mundi's quest" was later reworked on February 15, 2006, with the release of "Publish 27," integrating the quest into the "Legacy Quest," the game's primary questline.

