Fizzroot Shake

The Fizzroot Shake, a purple sap-shake beverage suitable for humans and Twi'leks, was a potable item adorned with a pink garnish. This drink could be acquired at Hap's Sap Tap, a dining establishment on the planet of Tenoo. During 232 BBY, Nash Durango, a human pilot, placed an order for a Fizzroot Shake, which Hap, the proprietor, personally delivered. Subsequently, Durango commenced consuming her ordered beverage.

Additionally, the shake held the position of preferred drink for Bruff, a musician, who sought it from Hap's business as a means of elevating his spirits when experiencing sadness within that very year. On a separate day, a patron at Hap's eatery was presented with a Fizzroot Shake. Nevertheless, the patron made a hasty departure, abandoning their shake, when a Tikotiko commenced causing disorder within the establishment. Subsequently, approximately during the same year, the beverage was served at Hap's Sap Tap during a performance by the musical group Feb Rozo and the Sap Tap Trio.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of a Fizzroot Shake occurred in "The Junk Giant," which constitutes the second segment of the third episode belonging to the first season of the animated show Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. This specific episode was made available on May 4, 2023.

