"Flight of the Falcon, Part 1: Spy Games" constitutes the initial comic book within the Flight of the Falcon series, primarily spotlighting Han Solo, Alexsandr Kallus, and IG-88. This narrative saw its release as the supporting story featured in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 14 on September 26, 2018.
Within the confines of a cantina, Bazine Netal engaged in dialogue with IG-88B, who possessed crucial intelligence she sought. Netal's objective was to acquire details regarding the Millennium Falcon, spurred by circulating rumors of IG-88's near capture of it. IG-88 proposed sharing his account in exchange for monetary compensation.
Decades prior, IG-88 collaborated alongside Agent Alexsandr Kallus to pinpoint individuals implicated in rebel operations on Savareen. Their commanding officer communicated that they had visually identified a pair of figures loading a vessel. Subsequently, IG-88 and Kallus disembarked from their starship and confronted the smuggler Han Solo, addressing him as a "deserter." Kallus accused Solo of being an adversary to the Galactic Empire due to helping Enfys Nest on Savareen. Following this, Kallus instructed IG-88 to scrutinize Solo's cargo. However, before he could proceed, Solo's Wookiee companion, Chewbacca, materialized and repelled both the assassin droid and the Imperial Security Bureau operative. A blaster exchange ensued between the parties, but Kallus directed IG-88 to retreat to their ship as Solo and Chewbacca made their escape.
Aboard the ship once more, Kallus advised IG-88 that alerting fellow bounty hunters to the Empire's vast resources would be prudent. Subsequently, he noticed the Millennium Falcon attempting a daring maneuver between two Star Destroyers. Kallus commanded the Star Destroyers to unleash fire upon the Falcon, preventing its escape. IG-88 dissented, asserting that the Falcon possessed sufficient clearance to navigate between the destroyers. Kallus dismissed this notion as improbable, only to witness the freighter successfully executing the maneuver.
Returning to the cantina setting, IG-88 concluded his narrative. Bazine Netal inquired about the Millennium Falcon's present whereabouts. IG-88 recounted subsequent collaborations with the Empire several years later, but indicated he had not encountered the ship since. Disappointed by her failure to obtain the desired information, Bazine Netal departed, vowing to persist in her pursuit until she secured her objective.