Flight of the Falcon, Part 2: The Planet of Misfit Droids

title: "Flight of the Falcon, Part 2: The Planet of Misfit Droids"

The second installment in the Flight of the Falcon series of comics is called "Flight of the Falcon, Part 2: The Planet of Misfit Droids," and it tells the story of several droids originating from Lotho Minor. It saw publication as the second story within Star Wars Adventures (2017) 15 on October 31, 2018.

Plot summary

The junk planet

Doc, a droid, was in the middle of narrating a tale to his gender equivalent, Teetee, at a marketplace when Bazine Netal approached them, ordering them to stop. Netal was in search of details concerning the Millennium Falcon, and the droids pledged to share the information through their storytelling. This time around, Teetee insisted on recounting the story, convinced he could do a superior job compared to Doc.

Decades prior, the Millennium Falcon made a landing on the planet of Lotho Minor. Teetee and Doc made the decision to investigate the situation before the Maker became aware of the visitors. Han Solo, the smuggler, hurried out of the Falcon and congratulated Leia Organa, the Princess, for finding a junk planet suitable for their rebel base. Luke Skywalker expressed his doubt that there was anything of value on the planet, but Solo cautioned him to remain vigilant.

As they explored the area where they had landed, Luke detected peculiar sounds and ignited his lightsaber. Doc, Teetee, and a GNK-series power droid materialized, startled by Skywalker's lightsaber. Teetee issued a warning about the danger they were in. Solo inquired about the nature of the danger but was interrupted by a hooded figure positioned near his ship. The figure introduced himself as Akar Duel, assuring them of his peaceful intentions. Solo began to brag about his ship, but Duel cut him off, declaring that his ship was nothing more than junk. On the planet they were on, junk was a highly prized commodity. Duel proclaimed that he must possess the Falcon, and more droids appeared, brandishing their blasters. Teetee attempted to dissuade the droids from blindly following Duel's commands, but his efforts were futile. An EV unit cautioned Teetee that he would face punishment for his disobedience.

C-3PO unknowingly to the rescue

C-3PO dashed out of the Falcon with the intention of informing Skywalker about the presence of droids on the planet, but he halted upon realizing what was unfolding. The EV unit questioned why 3PO was permitted to leave the ship without authorization. The protocol droid clarified that he had the freedom to come and go as he pleased. This revelation prompted the EV unit and all the other droids to understand that they too could act autonomously, and they turned against Duel. With Organa having lost hope in the planet, she, Solo, Skywalker, and C-3PO boarded the Falcon and departed from the planet.

Back at the market, Bazine Netal expressed her anger towards Teetee for withholding the information she sought. She seized the droid, compelling him to reveal that he had once overheard that the bounty hunter Embo had come into contact with her bounty.

