"Flight of the Falcon, Part 3: Home Again" represents the third installment within the Flight of the Falcon comic series. This particular story saw its release as the second narrative presented in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 16, hitting shelves on December 19, 2018.
On the Outer Rim planet of Felucia, Bazine Netal found herself journeying through the dense jungles when the shield belonging to the bounty hunter, Embo, was sent hurtling into a tree situated near her. Embo, in response, aimed his bowcaster at Netal, but she initiated a negotiation. Given that Embo's financial support from the New Republic had been terminated, she offered to compensate him in exchange for any information he possessed regarding the Millennium Falcon.
Decades in the past, Lando Calrissian and Nien Nunb piloted the Millennium Falcon to a space station to replenish their fuel reserves. Nunb departed for the market to procure essential supplies, while Calrissian dedicated his time to repairing the starship. Calrissian expressed his dissatisfaction with the maintenance practices employed by the current owners, Han Solo and Chewbacca. After thoroughly inspecting all the systems on the Falcon, Calrissian was puzzled to discover that they were functioning optimally.
However, upon turning around, he was confronted by Embo, who had his bowcaster trained directly on Calrissian's head. Although Calrissian couldn't comprehend Embo's language, the mention of the "Death Star" made him realize that Embo was pursuing him. Seizing the opportunity presented by Embo's lack of familiarity with his appearance, Calrissian feigned being a cleaner and informed Embo that he was likely searching for Solo. However, he went too far when suggesting that they should divide the bounty. Just as Embo was about to fire upon Calrissian, a burst pipe intervened, causing Embo to stumble backward and lose his weapon.
Calrissian proceeded to tie Embo up outside the ship, and Nunb returned. Calrissian announced that the Falcon was prepared for departure, and the two subsequently left the space station.
Returning to Felucia, Netal conveyed her disappointment at the apparent inability of anyone to successfully capture the Millennium Falcon. Reluctantly, she compensated Embo, but paused when he revealed that the Falcon had recently reappeared. Embo furnished her with details regarding where to investigate next, and she continued on her journey.
"Flight of the Falcon, Part 3: Home Again" depicts the Millennium Falcon's rectenna, despite its destruction during the Battle of Endor. This comic, however, is set following the Battle of Endor, referencing the destruction of the Death Star II. Furthermore, the events of this comic occur shortly before "Hare-Brained Heist," a story that does not include the rectenna.