Flight of the Falcon, Part 4: Lady and the Tramp

"Flight of the Falcon, Part 4: Lady and the Tramp" represents the fourth installment in the Flight of the Falcon comic series. It saw publication as the supporting story within Star Wars Adventures (2017) 17 on January 30, 2019.

Storyline Summary

Proxima's Perspective

Lady Proxima felt anger towards Bazine Netal, who had abducted one of her most capable scrumrat offspring to gain information about the smuggler Han Solo. Netal then clarified that her real target was the Millennium Falcon. Netal menaced to kill Proxima's child if she withheld the information sought. However, Proxima responded that Netal simply needed to ask.

Decades prior, Solo and his Wookiee companion, Chewbacca, found themselves on the planet Corellia in search of components for the Millennium Falcon. They acquired the assistance of the protocol droid, Em-Five, for their mission. Solo cautioned Chewbacca about maintaining a discreet presence, only to be interrupted by Moloch. Moloch conveyed that Lady Proxima requested their presence; finding no way to decline, Solo conceded.

At The Sinkhole, Proxima permitted Chewbacca to leave, sparing him from suffering for Solo's debts. Solo expressed surprise at owing debts to Proxima, believing he had none. Proxima accused him of disfiguring her. Solo initially assumed she meant emotional scarring, but Proxima swiftly refuted this, revealing physical scars on her face caused by him. She further accused Solo of theft, but Solo was already familiar with the narrative she intended to present.

Solo Executes a Bold Tactic

Suddenly, Solo seized a thermal detonator from Chewbacca's belongings and threatened to detonate it. Proxima pleaded with him to reconsider, asserting his superior intellect. Solo initially disagreed, then corrected himself. Proxima commanded Moloch to eliminate the Corellian smuggler and the Wookiee, but before he could act, Solo triggered the thermal detonator, causing a window to shatter. The resulting sunlight streamed into The Sinkhole, burning Proxima's skin.

Solo and Chewbacca fled toward their ship, pursued by members of the White Worms. Upon reaching the Millennium Falcon, Em-Five emerged, announcing that the required parts were secured and they were prepared for departure. Solo and Chewbacca boarded the Falcon and initiated their escape.

Proxima concluded her story, but Netal remained unsatisfied. Proxima instructed her to travel to the planet Jakku, where she would encounter Gannis Ducain, a former owner of the Millennium Falcon. Proxima pledged to be a powerful ally to Netal in her mission to destroy the Millennium Falcon.

