Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon

title: "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon"

The fifth installment in the Flight of the Falcon series of comics is called "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon". It was featured as the second story in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 18, which was released on February 20, 2019.

Plot summary

Helping Solo

Gannis Ducain, who was employed at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana Castle, which is located on the planet Takodana, yearned to explore space. One day, he overheard a discussion between Kanata and the smuggler, Han Solo. Solo needed assistance since Chewbacca was unavailable, and Ducain offered to help. Solo accepted, but cautioned Ducain about the risks involved. Ducain, however, was too preoccupied with the sight of the Millennium Falcon to pay attention. Ducain expressed his desire to emulate Solo, but Solo advised him that doing what is right, regardless of the nature of the task, is more important than being a smuggler.

The pair traveled to the planet Christophsis, where Solo instructed Ducain to remain on the ship while he went ashore. Ducain saw this as an opportunity after Solo departed. He started up the Falcon and flew away.

Stealing the Falcon

Ducain spent the following years becoming a smuggler and pirate, visiting numerous planets in his stolen spacecraft. He amassed considerable wealth and notoriety until he encountered a First Order officer on the planet Vardos. The officer identified himself as Ducain's new boss and invited Ducain to join the emerging order in the galaxy. Ducain reluctantly consented, but he knew he would have to flee. He intended to return the Falcon to Solo, but the Irving Boys stole the ship before he could.

Bazine Netal was skeptical that everyone she had questioned had lost the Falcon after he finished his narrative. Ducain attempted to defend himself, but she was uninterested. Ducain stood up to leave, telling Netal that he was leaving to join the Resistance. Netal angrily departed, but she received a message on her holoprojector from Lady Proxima. Proxima informed her that the Millennium Falcon had been located on the planet Batuu, and Netal set out to find it.

