A protocol droid was once employed at a refugee colony situated on the planet known as Gabredor III. In the period leading up to Sith Lord Darth Vader's mission to eliminate the Crimson Dawn criminal organization, specifically between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, this protocol droid experienced a malfunction. However, Tauntaza, the governor overseeing the planet, opted not to provide a replacement. Consequently, the colony transitioned to utilizing the astromech droid named Em-Sevenbee. As Vader pursued Crimson Dawn, he consented to assist the former handmaiden Sabé in rescuing the colony from the governor. The governor had started enlisting Crimson Dawn's assistance to strengthen her authority, while simultaneously disregarding the well-being of the planet's inhabitants. Upon Vader's arrival at the colony, the forensics droid ZED-6-7 requested guidance to the colony's protocol droid. This was to substantiate Sabé's assertions to Vader regarding the governor's actions and the colony's circumstances. Wald, a resident of the colony, then communicated to ZED-6-7 the situation concerning the droid.