"Get Well Nubs" marks the debut of the third episode from the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. It premiered on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay are in the dining area of the Jedi Temple on Tenoo, enjoying their midday meal. Solay is intrigued by a vibrant Bifflefly, a creature unfamiliar to her. Brightstar is excited about an upcoming field trip to the Kublop Geyser and encourages Solay to consume a muffin. Brightstar notices the absence of Nubs during mealtime, which they find quite unusual. They proceed to the dormitory and discover him nestled in his hammock. Nubs is experiencing symptoms of illness, including sneezing.
Brightstar and Solay are concerned that Nubs may be unable to attend the school trip due to his illness. They consult a holobook and discover that the leaf of Yara plant possesses medicinal qualities when brewed into tea. The book indicates that the Yara plant exclusively grows atop a massive Tenoo tree, located at a considerable distance. Brightstar states that they must travel quickly to return in time for the school excursion. Solay mentions that it is only the three of them on missions. Nubs nods in agreement. Brightstar assures his companions that they will function effectively as a team and that their efforts are for Nubs' benefit.
While two other Jedi Initiates are in training, Brightstar and Solay attempt to persuade Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna to grant them permission for a quest to acquire the Yara plant. Master Zanna consents to allow the two younglings to undertake the quest but advises Solay to maintain focus and presence throughout the mission, and instructs Brightstar to observe his surroundings attentively. She permits the children to use the Temple speeders. Brightstar and Solay leave without bidding farewell to Zanna.
The pair speeds over a river on their speeder bikes. Brightstar informs Solay that they must travel with haste and maintain concentration. Solay accepts the challenge, and they continue their journey. Solay becomes sidetracked by several flitterpods and barely avoids colliding with a log, thanks to Brightstar's warning. Solay expresses her gratitude to Brightstar, and they resolve to remain focused. They halt in the center of an island, only to realize they have been circling.
Solay suggests that Brightstar pause and observe their surroundings. Brightstar disagrees, believing they should continue moving forward. Brightstar only sees water and mud, but Solay notices some giant Tenoo tree leaves. Solay and Brightstar infer that the Tenoo tree lies ahead. Brightstar expresses his appreciation to Solay for her advice. Solay explains that this is why they function well as a team, and they resume their journey. Ultimately, the river leads to the base of a towering Tenoo tree that reaches into the clouds.
Solay questions their ability to ascend it. Brightstar reminds her of the significance of teamwork, and they proceed to the next phase of their mission. After traversing a stream, the two younglings ascend the base of the trunk. Brightstar slips, but Solay employs her Force powers to pull him to safety. Continuing their ascent, they utilize grappling cables to scale the giant Tenoo tree. Further upwards, Solay prevents Brightstar from falling when a large piece of bark detaches.
Subsequently, they climb over branches and leaves. En route, Solay observes a rabbit-like creature, but Brightstar urges her to remain focused. Continuing their mission, Solay rescues Brightstar from falling off a branch. The two utilize vines as makeshift ropes to ascend higher into the tree. Upon reaching the summit, they discover a vibrant micro-ecosystem with waterfalls and diverse plant life. Brightstar recalls that the holobook specifies that Yara trees flourish near water. The two decide to explore the lake.
Solay identifies several pawprints belonging to a gangul, which she describes as large territorial creatures. She advises Brightstar to maintain silence. Brightstar spots a purple Yara plant but inadvertently attracts the attention of a gangul, a furry mammal with horns. The creature pursues Brightstar while Solay observes. Brightstar instructs Solay to retrieve the Yara plant while he distracts the creature. Brightstar manages to conceal himself within a hole in a trunk, but the gangul pursues Solay. She uses a vine to escape to safety and joins Brightstar inside the hole.
Brightstar realizes that they are trapped by the gangul, which is guarding the Yara tree. He believes that they will be unable to reach Nubs in time. Brightstar reflects that he should have heeded Solay's advice, while Solay regrets not seizing the Yara leaves when she had the opportunity. Brightstar is discouraged, but Solay reassures him that they function effectively as a team when they listen to each other. Solay expresses her gratitude to Brightstar for saving her from crashing, while Brightstar thanks Solay for preventing him from navigating the wrong river.
Brightstar devises a plan. Heeding Solay's advice, he resolves to pause and seek answers from their surroundings. Examining the environment, he uses the Force to lure the gangul to a patch of leafy plants. Solay approaches the Yara plant and gathers some leaves. However, she steps on a branch and alerts the gangul, which charges towards her. Solay and Brightstar ignite their lightsabers. Solay informs the creature that they intend no harm and have only come for the leaves.
Following their mission, Brightstar and Solay return to the Jedi Temple. They provide Nubs with Yara tea leaves. They, along with their classmates and Master Zia, observe the Kublop Geyser from the safety of a rocky bank across the river under the night sky. Brightstar expresses that they missed Nubs, while Solay states that they function effectively as a team. Master Zia informs the students that the geyser is about to erupt. The Jedi observe as the geyser releases a significant burst of hot water.