Golden Lichen, alternatively referred to as gold dust, was a type of lichen that naturally occurred on the planet Batuu, situated in the Outer Rim. This substance had applications in food preparation and as a coloring agent. It frequently flourished on the surfaces of the planet's petrified trees and on the sides of buildings.
Oga Garra, a crime lord, exclusively controlled the farming and shipping of Golden Lichen. Numerous inhabitants of Surabat participated in the hazardous task of collecting it for her.
Golden Lichen was a species of vibrant golden lichen that was uniquely indigenous to its homeworld of Batuu. This lichen had the capacity to proliferate on trees, stones, and structures created by people. It possessed a range of uses, including its incorporation into paint and dyes, or as an unusual decorative element or component in culinary applications. Strono Tuggs, a chef, included his recipe for a specific type of tuile known as Golden Lichen Tuile in his cookbook.
During the war fought between the First Order and the Resistance, Golden Lichen was a common sight throughout Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. There, the local population, having discovered its diverse applications, referred to it as gold dust. It spread across the stone spires, trees, rocks, and constructed elements of the outpost.
The crime lord known as Oga Garra held a monopoly over both the cultivation of Golden Lichen on Batuu and its subsequent export to other planets. A significant portion of the population of Surabat on Batuu was involved in the perilous work of harvesting Golden Lichen for Garra, as it grew on the massive spires surrounding their settlement.
Golden Lichen was conceived as a thematic component prominently featured within the theme park area Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, which was initially opened to visitors at Disneyland on May 31, 2019.