Harli Jafan

Harli Jafan was a humanoid female being, the daughter of the planetary director governing the planet of Jafan. She possessed notable height, a complete lack of hair, light blue skin, and delicate webbing between her fingers.

In the year 32 BBY, she served as an ambassador representing her father at a summit. This summit was hosted by Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo for the leaders of the Chommell sector. During the initial welcoming dinner, Harli recounted an experience where she and her cousins were caught in a silpath migration and had to climb a tree to find safety. While present at the summit, she encountered and formed a friendship with Sabé, Amidala's handmaiden and "shadow," for whom she began to have reciprocal romantic feelings.

Subsequently, Harli extended an invitation to Sabé and her companions to attend a performance at the Theed Odeon, where the band Neurotransmitter Affection was playing, with one of Harli's cousins providing backup vocals. During the concert, Harli distributed glitter-lits to the girls and shared a dance with Sabé. However, Sabé and her group were compelled to depart from the concert prematurely due to a recall to the palace issued by Captain Quarsh Panaka, Amidala's head of security.

The following day, Harli approached Amidala, who was in disguise, mistaking her for Sabé, and attempted to kiss her, resulting in Amidala recoiling and unintentionally hurting Harli. Afterward, Harli sent a hurtful message to Sabé, effectively ending their nascent relationship. Harli later acknowledged that her reaction to the rejection was immature, attributing it to her teenage years.

In 22 BBY, Harli collaborated with Saché, Amidala's former handmaiden who had since become a member of the Naboo planetary legislative assembly, her aide Tepoh, and Governor Kelma on Karlinus. Their mission was to investigate the influx of freed slaves being sent there and to devise a strategy to overturn an outdated Chommell sector bill. This bill stipulated that other planets in the sector must provide aid to Naboo upon request, without specifying any limitations on the amount of aid Naboo could request.

