Between roughly 8 BBY and 2 BBY, a heist was executed by the criminals Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Phaedra. Their target was the Imperial capital of Coruscant, and their objective was to retrieve an urn. This urn was believed to contain the ashes of Krestrel D'Naran, who was the archrival of Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The Empire had impounded Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon, and subsequently deemed the urn valuable, resulting in it being sent to the office of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin.
Solo, Chewbacca, and Phaedra journeyed to Coruscant after discovering the urn's location from Greedo, the Rodian bounty hunter. Solo harbored significant doubts about the mission's success. Phaedra, however, devised a plan, and by calling in favors from acquaintances, the trio managed to obtain uniforms to disguise themselves as waste disposal workers, exploiting the Empire's lack of background checks for sewer employees. Upon reaching the sewers, Phaedra provided Solo and Chewbacca with comprehensive schematics of both the sewer system and Tarkin's building, enabling them to infiltrate the facility. Meanwhile, Phaedra disguised herself as the RA-7 protocol droid 6D6-RA-8 and attempted to persuade Tarkin to leave his office.
After Phaedra successfully convinced Tarkin to depart his office for a meeting with Emperor Palpatine, Solo and Chewbacca gained entry and killed Grand Moff's death troopers who were his guard. Solo then entered a room where he located the urn. Shortly thereafter, stormtroopers arrived and opened fire. As part of her escape strategy, Phaedra shattered a window, anticipating the presence of a train outside. The trio leaped from the window, landing on the train as planned. At that moment, a trooper demanded their surrender and shot Chewbacca, causing the Wookiee to plummet from the train into the city.
During his fall, Chewbacca seized a speeder, causing an Imperial officer to be ejected, before taking control of the vehicle himself. Simultaneously, Solo and Phaedra remained on the train, where Solo inadvertently dropped the urn, causing it to break open. Phaedra retrieved the bottom half, while Solo secured the top. She then realized that the urn did not contain ashes, as they had been led to believe, and questioned Solo about its true contents. The three returned to the Falcon and, following Solo's suggestion, sought out former Sava Korin Pers on Nar Shaddaa. Pers revealed that they possessed the neural core of Ajax Sigma, a droid insurgent who had been destroyed centuries prior by the Jedi Order.