Tall aliens, known as Ho'Din, were celebrated throughout the galaxy for their exceptional skills in botany and healing.

Originating from the planet Moltok, the Ho'Din were towering humanoids characterized by their diverse skin coloration. These beings possessed elongated fingers with suction cup ends, facilitating their arboreal movements within trees. Notably, their heads featured distinctive red-violet, snake-like "hair"—actually fleshy, scaled tubes functioning as thermal receptors. They asserted descent from plants; indeed, "Ho'Din" meant "walking flower" in Basic. A defining trait was their possession of two hearts.
Their claims of a botanical genesis likely stemmed from Dinante Fli'R, the nature-centric religion embraced by most Ho'Din. However, many scientists from other species deemed these assertions improbable, instead classifying them as reptilian. Regardless of their true origins, the Ho'Din stood out as some of the galaxy's most accomplished botanists and ecologists. The title of Master Gardener was highly esteemed within their society.
In the year 5000 BBY, a female Ho'Din named Lohjoy contributed to the Sith Empire as a starship engineer.
Around 300 BBY, the arboreal Ho'Din abandoned their primitive technological ways, descending to the forest floor. They then engaged in mining, agriculture, and manufacturing activities. However, their ecological insight was limited, and they failed to anticipate the repercussions of deforestation. The decaying matter that once expedited plant decay on the forest floor transformed into parasites, inducing disease and malnutrition in their Ho'Din hosts. Consequently, the Ho'Din were compelled to return to the trees, redirecting their efforts towards ecological and botanical studies.
Eventually, the Ho'Din formulated herbal remedies to eradicate the parasites. These pharmacological advancements, alongside the eventual restoration of Moltok's ecosystem, enabled them to thrive and prosper as a civilization. Other forms of technology were strictly controlled on Moltok, although Ho'Din residing off-world accepted them as a necessary evil when used on planets already "damaged". Exports of Ho'Din plants and medicines made Moltok a very wealthy planet. Much of this wealth was spent in rejuvenating planets with damaged ecosystems, or creating "garden worlds" where all could commune with nature. Reverence for nature dominated Ho'Din society, with the Dinante Fli'R priests ruling Moltok.

Most Ho'Din residing outside Moltok pursued careers as botanists. Some leveraged their inherent beauty and elegance to become models or dancers. A common trait among Ho'Din was a tendency to be proud of their physical appearance.
In 32 BBY, Oo Wen, a Ho'Din slave owned by Gardulla the Hutt, collaborated with a courageous group of enslaved children from Tatooine—Anakin Skywalker, Kitster Banai, the Bothan Dorn, and the Twi'lek Pala Kwi'teksa—to safeguard several Ghostling children from the Hutt within her new pleasure garden. Wen was responsible for overseeing the construction and upkeep of this garden. Upon learning of the Ghostlings' plight, Wen, within his garden (which was itself, for the unwary, extremely perilous), ensured the safety of these fragile creatures from Datar until they could be smuggled off-world.
The healer and botanist Baji and the smuggler Par'tah were Ho'Din. Two Ho'Din Jedi survived the Clone Wars and escaped Order 66: Iwo Kulka, a Jedi Knight (who later perished during the Great Jedi Purge), and Plett, a Jedi Master who fled to Belsavis.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Yuuzhan Vong largely left the Ho'Din undisturbed. This was primarily attributed to the Ho'Din's aversion to technology and their deep respect for plant life, but it may have also been influenced by their resemblance to the Shapers.