Howling Crag

The Howling Crag was a Dathomirian witch clan that existed on the Outer Rim Territories planet of Dathomir. A Mother was the leader of the Howling Crag, just as with all other Dathomiri clans. In 20 BBY, subsequent to the Battle of Dathomir and the Confederacy of Independent Systems' slaughter of the Nightsister clan, Falta, a witch without a clan, journeyed to the remains of the Nightsister lair. There, she encountered Old Daka, a dying Nightsister elder. Daka informed Falta that her daughter, Yenna, who had become a Nightsister years before, was sent somewhere safe. Falta then inquired if Yenna was sent to either the Howling Crag or the Singing Mountain clan. Daka responded to Falta by saying Yenna was sent off-planet in an escape pod, and not to either of those clans. Sometime between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, Falta traveled to the planetoid Sídi, and there she told the young girl known as "Bug" about her meeting with Daka.

Behind the scenes

Within current canon, the short story "Bug," written by E. Anne Convery and featured in the 2020 anthology, The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, mentions the Howling Crag. In Star Wars Legends continuity, the clan made an appearance in the 2003 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars Galaxies' "Witches of Dathomir Theme Park" event.[7]

