The Singing Mountain was a Dathomirian witch clan that resided at the Singing Mountain on the planet of Dathomir, located in the Outer Rim Territories. The Singing Mountain, like all other Dathomirian clans, was governed by a Mother. Following the Battle of Dathomir and the Confederacy of Independent Systems's massacre of the Nightsister clan in 20 BBY, the witch Falta, who belonged to no clan, journeyed to the destroyed Nightsister lair. There, she encountered the dying Nightsister elder Old Daka. Daka informed Falta that her daughter, Yenna, who had joined the Nightsisters years before, had been sent to a secure location. Falta then inquired whether Yenna had been sent to either the Singing Mountain or the Howling Crag clans. At some point between 20 BBY and 19 BBY, Falta traveled to the planetoid Sídi and shared the tale of her meeting with Daka to the young girl known as "Bug."
Within current canon, the short story "Bug," penned by E. Anne Convery and included in the 2020 collection The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, marks the initial mention of the Singing Mountain. Conversely, in the Star Wars Legends continuity, the clan's debut occurred in The Courtship of Princess Leia, a 1994 novel authored by Dave Wolverton.