Howzer's squad

A unit of clone stormtroopers, operating as a battalion within the Galactic Empire's army, was led by Captain named "Howzer" after the conclusion of the Clone Wars. During the liberation of [Ryloth](/article/ryloth] from the Separatist Alliance during the conflict, these squad members fought alongside Howzer.


Howzer's squad, as clone stormtroopers in the service of the Galactic Empire, utilized standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor. DC-15A blaster carbines and riot shields were among the equipment used by the squad.


During the Clone Wars, Howzer's unit was part of the Lessu battalion, with the mission of liberating Ryloth from Separatist forces. Following the war and the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Lessu battalion was integrated into the newly established Stormtrooper Corps. They were then assigned to remain on Ryloth, ostensibly to protect the native Twi'leks. However, the battalion's real purpose was to secure a newly constructed Imperial doonium refinery and enforce Imperial rule over the planet.

Shortly after the refinery became operational, Clone Force 99, a group of renegade clone commandos, infiltrated the Imperial facility. They successfully extracted Free Ryloth Movement leader Cham Syndulla and his wife Eleni Syndulla from Imperial custody. Crosshair ordered Howzer's squad, who were equipped with riot shields, to intercept the escaping rogue clones. Howzer's squad, along with three [Elite Squad Troopers](/article/elite_squad_trooper], positioned themselves at the refinery's only exit. When their commanding officer, Howzer, arrived, the squad listened as he condemned the Empire's actions on Ryloth. Convinced by their captain's words, six members of Howzer's squad discarded their weapons and sided with him in defiance, while the remaining four remained loyal to the Empire and held them at gunpoint. Subsequently, Crosshair ordered the arrest of Howzer and the clones who had joined him.

Eventually, Howzer gained freedom thanks to a group of rogue clones including Fireball, Nemec, Gregor, and Echo. Howzer then became a member of Rex's resistance network.

