An intelligence operative from the Ishi Tib species. Intelligence, in this context, describes groups involved in activities like espionage, including counterintelligence, gathering foreign intelligence, and military intelligence efforts.
- Republic Intelligence: Part of the Republic Military. Includes Clone Intelligence within the Grand Army of the Republic, and Republic Naval Intelligence within the Republic Navy.
- Senate Bureau of Intelligence: Under the authority of the Galactic Senate.
- Imperial Intelligence: Affiliated with both the Ubiqtorate and the Imperial Military. Includes Imperial Army Intelligence within the Imperial Army, and Naval Intelligence Agency within the Imperial Navy.
- Imperial Security Bureau: Operates under the Commission for the Preservation of the New Order.
- Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service: Serves the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
- Bothan Spynet: Also serves the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
- New Republic Intelligence: Functions within the New Republic.
- New Republic Security Bureau: Also functions within the New Republic.
- Resistance Intelligence: Supports the Resistance.
- First Order Security Bureau: Part of the First Order.
- Republic Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Republic. Includes Clone Intelligence within the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Special Operations Brigade, also of the Grand Army of the Republic.
- Senate Bureau of Intelligence: Under the authority of the Galactic Senate.
- Republic Strategic Information Service: Active during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War.
- Republic Security Organization
- Special Acquisitions Branch
- Interstellar Consortium on Technology
- Imperial Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Empire.
- Imperial Intelligence: Part of the Sith Empire. Sith Intelligence is the successor to the Sith Empire's Imperial Intelligence.
- Imperial Navy Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Imperial Navy.
- Imperial Security Bureau: Part of the Galactic Empire.
- Sith Intelligence and Assassination: An agency of the One Sith.
- Alliance Intelligence: Part of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Includes Sector Intelligence branches.
- Rebel Alliance Fleet Intelligence
- New Republic Intelligence Service: Part of the New Republic.
- New Republic Fleet Intelligence: Part of the New Republic Defense Fleet.
- Galactic Alliance Intelligence Service: Part of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
- Galactic Alliance Fleet Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet.
- Galactic Alliance Guard
- Galactic Alliance Security
- Anti-Terrorism Unit: Part of the Coruscant Security Force.
- Organized Crime Unit: Part of the Coruscant Security Force.
- CorSec Intelligence: Part of the Corellian Security Force.
- Alliance Intelligence: Part of the Eternal Alliance.
- Bothan Spynet/Bothan Intelligence: Associated with the Bothans.
- Centrality Intelligence: Associated with the Centrality.
- Chiss Intelligence: Associated with the Chiss Ascendancy.
- Corellian Intelligence: Associated with the planet Corellia.
- Daimar Intelligence: Associated with the planet Daimar.
- Militia Intelligence: Associated with the Cularin Militia.
- Royal Intelligence Service: Associated with the Hapes Consortium.
- RSF Intelligence Division: Part of the Royal Naboo Security Forces.
- Thaereian Intelligence: Associated with the Thaereian military.
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