Intelligence (disambiguation)

An intelligence operative from the Ishi Tib species. Intelligence, in this context, describes groups involved in activities like espionage, including counterintelligence, gathering foreign intelligence, and military intelligence efforts.

Canon Information

During the Galactic Republic Era

  • Republic Intelligence: Part of the Republic Military. Includes Clone Intelligence within the Grand Army of the Republic, and Republic Naval Intelligence within the Republic Navy.
  • Senate Bureau of Intelligence: Under the authority of the Galactic Senate.

During the Galactic Empire Era

During the Alliance to Restore the Republic Era

During the New Republic Era

  • New Republic Intelligence: Functions within the New Republic.
  • New Republic Security Bureau: Also functions within the New Republic.

During the Resistance Era

  • Resistance Intelligence: Supports the Resistance.

During the First Order Era

  • First Order Security Bureau: Part of the First Order.

Legends Information

During the Galactic Republic Era

  • Republic Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Republic. Includes Clone Intelligence within the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Special Operations Brigade, also of the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • Senate Bureau of Intelligence: Under the authority of the Galactic Senate.
  • Republic Strategic Information Service: Active during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War.
  • Republic Security Organization
  • Special Acquisitions Branch
  • Interstellar Consortium on Technology

During the Sith Empire/Galactic Empire Era

  • Imperial Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Empire.
  • Imperial Intelligence: Part of the Sith Empire. Sith Intelligence is the successor to the Sith Empire's Imperial Intelligence.
  • Imperial Navy Intelligence: Part of the Galactic Imperial Navy.
  • Imperial Security Bureau: Part of the Galactic Empire.
  • Sith Intelligence and Assassination: An agency of the One Sith.

During the Rebel Alliance/New Republic Era

During the Galactic Alliance Era

Law Enforcement Agencies

Other Intelligence Agencies

External Resources

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