
TheMaw-Yowza The Yuzzum singer known as Joh Yowza possessed a sizable oral cavity. A mouth, serving functions such as eating, speaking, and breathing, represented a common anatomical characteristic among diverse species. Conversely, the Kallidahin lacked mouths but retained the ability to breathe and speak. Ithorians, distinguished by their dual mouths positioned on either side of their necks, were unable to articulate in Galactic Basic Standard due to their unique throat anatomy. Cosians were a species with faces that extended into beaked oral structures. The Shawda Ubb Rappertunie, affiliated with the Max Rebo Band, utilized his fingers, toes, and mouth to perform on a musical instrument called a Growdi Harmonique.

Production Notes

The initial appearance of mouths occurred in the 1977 motion picture Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, marking the debut of the Star Wars original trilogy.[6]

During the making of A New Hope, the mechanism responsible for moving Greedo's mouth malfunctioned shortly before he was scheduled for filming. Subsequently, Maria De Aragon, the actress portraying Greedo in close-up scenes, was instructed to use a clothespin between her teeth to manipulate Greedo's mouth, thus animating the character.

