The Jedi Temple on Coruscant featured a unique training area known as the obstacle course. This area was specifically designed for Padawans and Jedi Knights to hone their skills with the Force and master the Art of Movement technique. In the waning years of the Old Republic, Jedi Master Fy-Tor-Ana oversaw the chamber and instructed students in the Art of Movement.
The obstacle course, situated within the Temple Ziggurat, was left in ruins following the brutal events of the Clone Wars. During this time, the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, under the command of Darth Vader, invaded the Temple and massacred those inside, causing significant damage. The obstacle course specifically suffered extensive damage from blaster fire, leaving the walls and floor riddled with holes.
For decades, the Temple stood silent and neglected, slowly deteriorating. The balance of power shifted when Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Vader met their demise, leading to the collapse of the Galactic Empire. The New Republic eventually drove the Empire from Coruscant. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant endured catastrophic terraforming, which further damaged the Temple and exposed parts of its foundation. After the Galactic Alliance retook the planet, Chief of State Cal Omas commissioned the Reconstruction Authority to rebuild the ancient structure as a tribute to the reformed Order's heroic sacrifices against the Yuuzhan Vong. Although the rebuilt Temple was based on the original blueprints, it remains unknown whether the obstacle course was reconstructed or replaced.
Like much of the Temple, the obstacle course featured smooth marble floors and tall pillars supporting the ceilings. The obstacles were spaced variably throughout the chamber. Strategically placed lights within the walls, ceiling, and floor projected beams of light in unpredictable patterns. Students were required to avoid both the physical obstacles and the light beams to improve their mastery of the Art of Movement.