Justice (episode)

"Justice" represents the second installment within the animated anthology series titled Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. This particular episode was brought to life under the direction of Saul Ruiz, with the screenplay penned by Dave Filoni, and it was originally broadcast on October 26, 2022.

Official description

A pair of Jedi Knights are sent on a mission to resolve a situation involving a hostage on a faraway world.

Plot summary

The rescue mission

Dooku, a Jedi Master, and Qui-Gon Jinn, his Padawan apprentice, make their way to a planet aboard a shuttle. Upon landing just outside a run-down village, they are met with hostility, as the inhabitants bolt their doors and shutter their windows, displaying a clear aversion to outsiders. Eventually, the two Jedi locate a local cantina and step inside. Dooku's query to those present is direct: where can they find the Senator's son?

An older woman volunteers information. She reveals that the offspring of Dagonet, the planet's representative within the Galactic Senate, has been taken captive, and the Jedi have been dispatched to rescue him. However, Dooku quickly deduces that the villagers are all involved in the kidnapping. The village elder confesses to the crime, emphasizing that Dagonet's extended tenure serving the Republic has only served to enrich himself at the expense of his own people.

The skirmish

She escorts Dooku and Jinn to the barn where the Senator's son is being detained. He states that he has been treated respectfully and expresses empathy for the villagers' predicament, admitting his ignorance of their struggles as he typically resides on Coruscant or within the planet's capital city. Their conversation is interrupted by news of Dagonet's personal arrival, accompanied by soldiers. The elder accuses the Jedi of deceiving her, but Dooku clarifies that they arrived without the Senator's knowledge.

The villagers take up arms, and they exit the barn alongside the Jedi. Dooku attempts to persuade Dagonet to stand down, pointing out the valid reasons behind his people's anger. The Senator refuses to yield, and a gunfight erupts. The Jedi defend the villagers, yet several are fatally wounded. As the deaths accumulate, Dooku resorts to drastic measures and uses a Force chokes on the Senator, using the Force to throw Jinn aside when he tries to intervene. Jinn returns to the barn and releases Dagonet's son from his binders, urging him to go out and save his father.

Justice and mercy

The son's intervention prompts Dooku to release the Senator, as the son voices his disappointment in his father's actions. Back in the village, as father and son prepare to depart, Dagonet's son solemnly assures the village elder that he will dedicate himself to helping her people.

As the Senator and his son leave, Dooku contemplates whether lasting positive change will result from these events. When Qui-Gon questions whether that was the motivation behind his taking matters into his own hands, Dooku instead praises Qui-Gon's actions, acknowledging that they saved many lives that day. Dooku tells Jinn that he acted wiser than his master on that day, and that he will be a great Jedi.


