
The third episode of the animated anthology series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi is entitled "Choices". Charles Murray took on the role of director for this episode, which was penned by both Charles and Élan Murray. It was originally broadcast on October 26, 2022.

Official description

The synopsis is as follows: Jedi Knights are on a mission to uncover the truth behind the perplexing demise of a fellow Jedi.

Plot summary

Mission to Raxus Secundus

Mace Windu and Dooku, both Jedi Masters, journey to the planet Raxus Secundus aboard a T-6 shuttle. As their vessel enters the planetary atmosphere, Windu inquires whether Dooku finds the explanation for Master Katri's death detailed in the data tablet satisfactory. Dooku expresses his dissatisfaction with Senator Larik's account, suspecting that the ambush resulting in Master Katri's death involves more than meets the eye. He also questions how Senator Larik managed to survive.

Windu then asks Dooku why he is so preoccupied with these questions. Dooku retorts that the Jedi Council gave them the task of bringing Master Katri's remains back to the Jedi Temple for a dignified burial. Windu reminds Dooku that, as they are not Council members, they lack the authority to meddle in local political conflicts without the explicit consent of either the Jedi Council or the Galactic Senate. Dooku responds by saying that Windu's dedication to the rules is admirable but can also be frustrating.

The T-6 shuttle then makes its landing on a platform in Raxulon, which is the capital city of Raxus Secundus. Upon exiting the shuttle, the two Jedi are met by a group of armored soldiers, led by Hanel. Windu informs the soldiers that they are there to meet with Senator Larik. Hanel conveys his condolences for the loss of Master Katri, acknowledging her respected status and the void her absence will create. The officer offers to escort them to Senator Larik.

Questioning Senator Larik

At his private residence, Senator Larik tells the Jedi that he was at his place on Coruscant when he received a message from rebels. Because they were threatening to start a war, Larik decided to go back to Raxus Secundus to hear what they had to say. Master Dooku then asks why the Senator went without any security. Larik says that he wanted peace on Raxus and was willing to do anything to get it. He also says that he confided in Master Katri about the situation. Larik says that Katri refused to let him out of her sight and that she lost her life because of it.

Master Windu asks Larik to take them to where Katri's body is. Dooku then asks if they can first see the place where he and Katri went to meet this informer. Larik says that going back to the place would be too hard on him. One of the security guards Semage offers to show them the location where the Jedi Master was killed. He says that he and his security team responded to the senator's distress signal. However, Semage says they were too late to save Master Katri. Larik agrees to take the Jedi.

Windu tells Dooku in private that he thinks Larik is hiding something. He suggests telling the Council about it. Dooku doesn't want to leave and asks Windu if he would want Katri to leave without looking into his death if their roles were switched. Windu says that he would want Katri to follow protocol.

The ambush

They travel in Senator Larik's starship into a forest with tall trees with red leaves. Dooku looks at the site, which is in a forest clearing. He also looks at a gash on a tree and a blaster bolt on a rock. When Dooku asks Senator Larik about the number of attackers, the Senator says that it happened so fast that he couldn't give an exact number. Larik adds that Master Katri was attacked as soon as she got off her ship. Dooku and Windu look at the forest clearing. Windu asks Larik to confirm if the attackers shot at the Jedi Master right away.

Dooku notices that there are no blaster marks on Senator Larik's ship. Based on what Larik said happened, Windu says that someone shot from the direction of his starship. Dooku says that it's rare for a Jedi to be caught off guard unless it was someone that the Jedi trusted. Dooku thinks that Larik killed Master Katri and turns on his blue lightsaber. Windu tells Dooku to calm down.

Larik, who is nervous, tells the Jedi that the guards killed Master Katri before he is shot from behind. The guards start shooting at the Jedi Masters, but they block their blaster shots with their lightsabers. The bodyguards are joined by a number of Raxus battle droids, which jump from the trees. The two Jedi Masters fight back with their Force powers and lightsabers, destroying several battle droids. Dooku also uses his lightsaber to cut down a tree, which crushes several battle droids.

Interrogating Semage

The two Jedi take the weapons away from and capture Hanel and Semage. When the Jedi ask for an explanation, Hanel says that they are pawns of the Senate. He then grabs a pistol and tries to shoot the Jedi. Mace strikes Hanel down. The older guard Semage also bends down in submission. The Jedi ask Semage why he killed Master Katri. Semage says that they were part of a group who found out that Larik was using a Senate seat to get rich at the expense of the people of Raxus Secundus.

Semage says that Larik was inviting companies from other planets to industrialize Raxus Secundus' land. He says that the Senator was selling off his planet's land and resources while living in luxury on Coruscant, which is far away. Dooku agrees that the guards lured the Senator here but asks why they killed Katri while letting the Senator live. Semage says that they were going to force Senator Larik to push their agenda at the next Senate hearing meeting. When Windu asks why the guards didn't complain to the right authorities and murdered a keeper of the peace, Semage says that the Jedi Order are lapdogs of the Senate. While the Jedi say they promote peace, Semage replies that they enforce law and order for the rich and powerful. Windu says that Katri was a Jedi who would have listened to their concerns. Dooku takes Semage into custody.

Seeds of doubt

Later, Dooku goes to see Semage in prison. Even though he thinks Semage's ideology is wrong, he agrees that it has some good points. Semage says that he is surprised to hear that from a Jedi. Windu calls Dooku. Before leaving, Dooku tells Semage that he doesn't approve of his methods but respects his right to defend his planet. He tells Semage to make sure that his people don't lose hope because that's the only way they will win. Dooku says that he means that for all of us. His words give Semage hope.

That night, several guards, Windu, and Dooku bring Master Katri's body onto the Jedi shuttle. Windu says that the Jedi Council will have questions. Dooku says that the Council will be happy to hear that they solved Katri's murder. Windu asks if the Council will approve of his methods. Dooku says that he has no problem explaining himself and asks Windu to think about whether the Jedi really guide peace if they follow the Senate's every wish. Windu says that the Jedi are guided by their Council and not by politics or ego. The two Jedi leave on the shuttle with Katri's body for Coruscant.

The funeral and split

Back at the Jedi Temple, Windu and Dooku attend Katri's funeral with other Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights including Yoda. Master Ki-Adi-Mundi leads the funeral service, saying that Katri was patient with Jedi who questioned themselves a lot. He says that the Force flowed through her with certainty as her body is lowered into a hole while a bright light rises.

After the funeral, Dooku talks to Windu, who has been given Master Katri's Council seat. He asks if Windu knew about the appointment before their trip to Raxus. Windu says that he was just as surprised as Dooku to hear the news. Windu says that they were both assigned the mission. While Windu followed the rules, Dooku decided to get involved in a way that led to Senator Larik's death. Windu says he will talk to the Council for Dooku. Dooku thanks Windu before looking at the horizon.


