"The Sith Lord" represents the fourth installment within the anthology animated television show known as Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi. This particular episode was brought to life under the direction of Saul Ruiz, with the script crafted by Dave Filoni, and it was initially broadcast on October 26 of 2022.
Count Dooku makes his way into a restricted section located within the Jedi Library found at the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant. Upon entering, the library's computer system prompts him to input his security access code. Dooku proceeds to enter the code belonging to Master Sifo-Dyas. Following the system's verification of the code, Dooku gains access to a file pertaining to the planet Kamino and subsequently erases all records of its existence from the Council's database. Following this, Dooku integrates himself among the Jedi who are utilizing the library's facilities.
Dooku encounters Jedi librarian Jocasta Nu, who informs him about his former apprentice, Master Qui-Gon Jinn, having engaged in combat with a Sith Lord on Tatooine, located in the Outer Rim Territories. Nu comments that both Jinn and Dooku possessed a remarkable imagination, a trait that Dooku observes is becoming increasingly scarce within the Jedi Temple.
Later on, Master Jinn is seen walking alongside Master Yaddle. Jinn becomes aware that news of his duel against Darth Maul has spread rapidly. Yaddle responds by stating that Jinn's declaration to the Jedi Council was quite surprising. Dooku then meets with Jinn and inquires about his encounter with the Sith Lord. Jinn characterizes his assailant as a highly proficient warrior, whom he believes received training in the Jedi arts. Dooku questions whether he truly believes the attacker was a Sith Lord, deducing that the Council was hesitant to validate his conclusion. Jinn affirms that this was indeed the situation.
Dooku retorts that he has been cautioning the Council regarding the impending darkness for several years, yet they dismissed his concerns. Yaddle expresses her opinion that Dooku is exhibiting undue alarm. When Dooku questions whether she doubts his assertion, Yaddle clarifies that she does not question Jinn's claim, but she concurs with the Council's decision to exercise caution until further information is available. Dooku agrees with Yaddle that a Sith Lord should not be underestimated. He cautions Jinn that he will not be present to safeguard his former Padawan. Jinn assures Dooku not to be concerned, as he is the Master of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Jinn offers a positive assessment of Kenobi's capabilities.
Dooku expresses his desire to meet Kenobi one day, given Jinn's constant praise of him. After Jinn departs, Yaddle notices a look of sadness on Dooku's face. Dooku comments on how quickly their students mature. Yaddle concurs, acknowledging that this is the natural progression of things. Dooku then excuses himself and walks away.
Subsequently, Dooku pays a visit to the Great Tree situated on the grounds of the Jedi Temple. Yaddle joins Dooku as he engages in meditation. Dooku reminisces about bringing Jinn to the tree when he was a young boy. The young Jinn was captivated by the tree, having been raised on a planet of steel and stone like Coruscant. As the leaves fall, Yaddle informs Dooku that the Jedi Council is en route to Naboo to attend the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn, following his demise during the Battle of Naboo at the hands of Darth Maul. Dooku opts not to attend, claiming that he would not be "pleasant company."
Yaddle inquires whether Dooku holds the Council responsible for Jinn's death. Dooku responds that Jinn has merged with the Force and that it is time to let him go. Yaddle questions whether Dooku can depart without attending his former apprentice's funeral. Dooku proceeds to the Jedi Temple's hangar, where he boards a DC0052 speeder and departs. Yaddle follows Dooku in her own starship. Dooku journeys to the Sith lair located in Coruscant's The Works district. Yaddle tracks Dooku's path and parks her ship in close proximity.
Inside the building, Dooku confronts his Sith master Darth Sidious, questioning his decision to allow Maul to kill Qui-Gon Jinn. Sidious replies that they have both experienced the loss of an apprentice in pursuit of their greater objectives. Sidious asserts that the galaxy cannot be reshaped without sacrifices. As Yaddle infiltrates the building, Dooku suggests that Jinn could have been an ally. Sidious counters that Jinn would have been an ally for Dooku himself. Dooku asks Sidious whether he is questioning his loyalty. Sidious confirms that this is indeed the case.
Dooku affirms that he has fulfilled every request made by Sidious. The Sith Lord declares that he will demand more of Dooku if they are to achieve success. Dooku recounts his accomplishments, including his involvement with Sifo-Dyas, Kamino, and the clone troopers. Dooku laments that he has betrayed everything and everyone he has ever known. Sidious commends Dooku for his dedication to a greater cause. Yaddle overhears their conversation. Dooku expresses his distress over the numerous deaths resulting from his actions. Sidious responds that this is the necessary price for freedom.
Their conversation is interrupted by Yaddle, who confronts Darth Sidious. Sidious asks Dooku whether he has betrayed him. Dooku denies this, advancing towards Yaddle. Yaddle attempts to reason with Dooku as a fellow Jedi, imploring him to assist her regardless of his transgressions. Dooku points out that she is aware of his actions in service to the Sith Lord. Sidious urges Dooku not to trust Yaddle. Yaddle pleads with Dooku to atone for his crimes by helping her bring the Sith Lord to justice.
Sidious reminds Dooku of his own disenchantment with the Jedi for blindly serving a corrupt Galactic Senate that fails the Galactic Republic it is meant to represent. To demonstrate his loyalty, Sidious orders Dooku to kill Yaddle. Yaddle insists that there is still an opportunity to rectify the situation. Dooku declares that it is too late, igniting his lightsaber. Yaddle cries out in protest and retaliates with her lightsaber. The two engage in a lightsaber duel in the presence of Sidious.
The agile and nimble Yaddle retreats into the hangar. As Dooku searches for her, Yaddle attempts to reason with him, revealing that she stepped down from her position on the Jedi Council. Yaddle acknowledges that Dooku was correct about numerous issues and that Jinn's death was unnecessary. Pinpointing her location, Dooku employs the Force to displace the starship behind which she is concealed. Sidious laughs as the two resume their lightsaber duel. As Dooku maneuvers Yaddle towards the hangar's entrance, Yaddle eyes her ship. Dooku questions whether she intends to return to the Jedi Council. Yaddle retorts that it is Dooku who has embraced evil.
The two engage in a fierce lightsaber duel at the hangar's entrance. Dooku then utilizes the Force to lower the gate, seemingly crushing Yaddle to death. Dooku then deactivates his lightsaber. Sidious congratulates his apprentice on his performance and instructs him to rise. However, Yaddle survives and employs the Force to lift the hangar gate, illuminating Dooku. The exhausted Yaddle stumbles into the hangar and collapses. In her final moments, she gazes up at Dooku. When Dooku asserts that he only seeks to bring peace and order to the galaxy, Yaddle counters that countless individuals have already suffered for what he refers to as "order." Dooku offers to grant her peace and strikes her down with his lightsaber, ending her life. Sidious observes from the shadows.