Kanan Jarrus' father

A father, who was male, was the biological progenitor of the human individual Caleb Dume, who later adopted the name Kanan Jarrus. The Jedi Order removed Jarrus from his family, resulting in him having no memory of his father; however, as an adult, he reflected on his father on numerous occasions.


The human Caleb Dume, later known as Kanan Jarrus, born in 33 BBY on the planet Coruscant, was the son of a male parent. Due to being taken at a young age to be trained as a Jedi, Dume never had the opportunity to know his father. Following the fall of the Jedi Order in 19 BBY, Dume adopted the alias Kanan Jarrus. In 11 BBY, when Jarrus found himself on the planet Gorse, Garson extended his kindness and offered mentorship. During a meal of stew at Drakka's Diner, Jarrus contemplated the impact of the Jedi teachings on attachment, particularly in his life as a fugitive, which led him to reflect on his own father. Considering Garson's influence, he concluded that the foreman served as the closest paternal figure he had encountered during his travels. During the Battle of Garel in 3 BBY, Jarrus cautioned his apprentice [Ezra Bridger](/article/ezra_bridger], who expressed a desire to return to Lothal to locate his parents, presumed dead until a recent Force vision. Bridger, in frustration, retorted that Jarrus could not comprehend his feelings. Jarrus calmly acknowledged Bridger's statement, admitting that he had no memory of his own parents, prompting Bridger to apologize for his remark.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Kanan Jarrus' father appeared in John Jackson Miller's 2014 novel, A New Dawn.

