The Kerkoidian Defense Forces constituted the planetary defense force safeguarding the Kerkoiden homeworld of Kerkoidia. During the Clone Wars conflict, numerous officers from this defense force sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, including Separatist General Whorm Loathsom and Piar Nagelsa, both of whom commanded troops against the Galactic Republic in combat. Loathsom's association with the defense force was marked by a lengthy period of military service.
Located on the Expansion Region world of Kerkoidia, the local planetary defense forces were known as the Kerkoidian Defense Forces. Their organizational structure included several officers, some of whom belonged to the native Kerkoiden species.
Sometime during the Republic Era, the Kerkoidian Defense Forces were established, specifically some years prior to the onset of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY. During the Separatist Crisis and subsequent formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the inhabitants of Kerkoidia provided financial support for the expansion of Geonosian droid foundries operating on the planet Geonosis, in return for a cut of the profits.
The reference book Star Wars: On the Front Lines, released in 2017, marked the initial mention of the Kerkoidian Defense Forces within the new Star Wars canon. Subsequently, they were identified in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to the Star Wars roleplaying game series developed by Fantasy Flight Games. They were initially conceived for the Star Wars Legends continuity, where they initially appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Official Episode Guide: Season 1.