Kinect Star Wars is a video game designed for use with the Kinect peripheral on the Xbox 360 console. The announcement of the game occurred at the Electronic Entertainment Expo on June 14, 2010. LucasArts, Terminal Reality, along with Microsoft Game Studios collaborated to develop the title. A short trailer showcasing gameplay displayed a player character, a Jedi who wields a lightsaber, in combat against stormtroopers and vulture droids, before facing a challenge from Darth Vader. The game's narrative unfolds between the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and concludes during Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The launch date for the game was April 3, 2012.
The game's primary mode, which is the story-driven campaign, is situated within the Star Wars prequel trilogy film series.

Mavra Zane is aboard a Republic Consular-class cruiser en route to Kashyyyk, escorting a group of Padawan learners to be instructed by Grand Master Yoda and finalize their training at a Jedi outpost. Zane provides the Padawans with lessons on utilizing a lightsaber, including deflecting blaster bolts and engaging in a duel with an opponent. Upon arriving on Kashyyyk after training on the ship, they are met by Master Yoda, Master Mace Windu, and Master Obi-Wan Kenobi (via hologram). Master Yoda welcomes the Padawans and advises them to rest before their lessons. The following day, Master Yoda instructs a pair of Padawans on employing the Force on the training grounds historically used by the Wookiees for millennia. With Yoda's guidance, the two progressed through the course, speeding, destroying dummies, jumping, and ducking obstacles, and continued their training. They were taught how to utilize the Force to demolish training dummies; to lift, throw, and catch rocks; and to lift a Jedi Starfighter. Their training concluded after these exercises, having mastered their control over the Force.
Following the completion of their training, Yoda and the two Padawans encountered Trandoshan transports invading the planet, accompanied by Battle Droids and Trandoshan warriors. After eliminating a number of battle droids, Yoda and the two Padawans piloted a pair of speeders across the jungle and lake to reach the Wookiee village. Upon arrival, Yoda left the Padawans to independently combat the Trandoshans and battle droids. After defeating a number of B1's, B2's, Droidekas, and Trandoshans, the Padawans reunited with Mavra and proceeded to the beach to neutralize a Trandoshan base. After taking out numerous Trandoshans, droids, and missiles, the three reached the base. While Zane entered to detonate the main reactor, the Padawans engaged more Trandoshans and droids, even confronting two Trandoshan sword-wielding sport-hunters. Zane activated the thermal detonator, leaving them with only seconds before the base was annihilated and the Trandoshans retreated.

Following the initial battle, debris and bodies from both sides were scattered throughout the area. Mavra Zane, Master Yoda, and Chewbacca discussed the Trandoshans' actions. Chewbacca presented her with an Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun to illustrate the situation. It became evident that this was not a hunting party but a full-scale military operation.
Yoda departed Kashyyyk to inform the Jedi Council about the conflict. After his departure, Mavra Zane and Chewbacca observed incoming Trandoshan dropships initiating a counterattack. This time, the Wookiees and Jedi were struggling against the Trandoshans. The Wookiees and Padawans attempted to reach a Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft to escape. However, a section of the platform collapsed in front of Zane and the two Padawans before they could board. Before the platform fell, the three made it to a zip-line on the far end and mounted it. After eliminating more droids and Trandoshans, the Jedi reached additional fluttercraft, but the Trandoshans had already destroyed them with their hover pods. They fought through more invaders and destroyed an Ubrikkian floating fortress. Master Zane then instructed the two Padawans and Chewbacca to flee Kashyyyk and alert the Jedi council about the Trandoshan counterattack. She then went to fight more Trandoshans. After evading droids and Trandoshans, the two Padawans and Chewbacca boarded a landspeeder to reach the Star Runner.
The Padawans and Chewbacca arrive at the Star Runner, where they engage Sun Guards aboard the ship before being greeted by TC-38, an adventurous but naive protocol droid. TC-38 assigns the two Padawans to the ship's defense systems, tasking them with shooting down a squadron of vulture droids along the way. After entering hyperspace, Windu and Yoda contact the ship's occupants, informing them that Zane and the other Padawans are being held captive aboard the Nihilist, a Providence-class destroyer positioned above Felucia.
After fleeing Kashyyyk, they journey to Felucia, where they are pursued by Sith Infiltrators. They manage to breach the fleet and crash into the flagship. They then battle their way to the elevator, using it to reach the detention level. They succeed in freeing the Padawans, only to find themselves surrounded. Zane, who had previously escaped, comes to their rescue. They then destroy the main reactor, triggering a chain reaction that leads to the ship's destruction.
The Star Runner crashes on Felucia, forcing them to fight through more Trandoshans. They encounter Mak Pra, who leads the resistance. The next day, they launch an assault on Shu Mai's fortress. They are captured inside, but escape the Sarlacc. They then return to orbit to rendezvous with reinforcements led by Master Yoda. They destroy a Droid Control Ship and then proceed to intercept the Trihexalon fleet.
They reappear in the midst of a large fleet battle over Coruscant. The Padawans infiltrate the Subjugator and destroy its main reactor, neutralizing the threat. They are subsequently promoted to Jedi Knight in a ceremony held at the Temple.
The menu screens that appear between modes feature their own narrative. Luke Skywalker dispatches R2-D2 and C-3PO to retrieve files from the Jedi Archives on Coruscant. They encounter the "Commander" within the temple, who "oversees" their mission. The player embodies the commander, and each mode is presented as a distinct file from the archives.

This mode, which is quite similar to Dance Central, requires the player to mimic dance moves performed by on-screen characters. The game incorporates several well-known songs, such as "Ridin' Solo," which have been slightly altered, like "I'm Han Solo," to align with the Star Wars theme.
The following songs are featured in the Galactic Dance Off mode, along with their real-world counterparts in parentheses:
- "Aerodynamic" ( Daft Punk – " Aerodynamic ")
- "Blasterproof" ( La Roux – " Bulletproof ")
- "Celebration" ( Kool & the Gang – " Celebration ")
- "Demons" (South Central – "Demons (Reset! Remix)")
- "Empire Today" ( Village People – " YMCA ")
- "Ghosts 'n' Stuff" ( deadmau5 – " Ghosts 'n' Stuff ")
- "Hologram Girl" ( Gwen Stefani – " Hollaback Girl ")
- "I'm Han Solo" ( Jason Derülo – " Ridin' Solo ")
- "Just the Way You Are" ( Bruno Mars – " Just the Way You Are ")
- "Kashyyyk" ( Jamiroquai – " Canned Heat ")
- "Little White Doves" ( Dirty Vegas – "Little White Doves")
- "Naturally" ( Selena Gomez & the Scene – " Naturally ")
- "Princess in a Battle" ( Christina Aguilera – " Genie in a Bottle ")
- "Stronger" ( Britney Spears – " Stronger ")
- "We No Speak Huttese" ( Yolanda Be Cool and DCUP – " We No Speak Americano ")
The following is a comprehensive list of dance moves featured within the game:
The 3-Pointer
The Speeder
Double Blaster
Tusken Raider
Not a Scratch
Freezing Point Pose
Trash Compactor
It's a Snap
Falcon in Flight
Solo Pose
Chewie Hug
Kamino Wave
Punch It
Raise it Up
Force Throw
Bantha Rider
Touch and Clap
Dewback Party
Yub Nub
Kessel Run
Funky Blaster
Quad Cannon
Cantina Jam
Vader Pose
Push Off
Jar Jar Rock
Mind Trick
There is No Try
Force Push
Duel of Fates
The Force Pose
Feel the Power
Slice Pose
Lando Fever
Sorcerous Ways
Scout Trooper
Jetpack Pose
The Windu
Push It
Cloud City Slide
Take Off
Open Up
Dagobah Bump

Players take command of a podracer and strive to reach the finish line, employing hand movements to govern the podracer's actions. The selection of podracers is derived from the following characters:
Destiny Mode
In destiny mode, all pilots utilize young Anakin's Podracer from Episode 1.
- Noor Sak'ar
- Cha Ji Zhek
- Vi Fortuna
- Brood Makti
- San Maxus
Quickplay Mode
- Cha Ji Zhek (Young Anakins Podracer)
- Elan Mak
- Teemto Pagalies
- Ody Mandrell
- Wan Sandage
- Ebe E. Endocott
- Mars Guo
- Mawhonic
- Gasgano
- Ben Quadinaros
- Ark Roose
- Aldar Beedo
- Dud Bolt
- Clegg Holdfast
- Boles Roor
- Sebulba
- Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars Style)
As of February 12, 2013, Kinect Star Wars held the position of the most favored true Kinect game available for the Xbox 360 console. However, it ranks eighth in popularity when considering games that only offer Kinect enhancements. Upon its initial release, Kinect Star Wars achieved the top spot in both the United States and the United Kingdom (marking the first Kinect game to reach this achievement).