
Kory was a Human female who existed during the Cold War period. Originating from Sith space, she was of humble birth, yet her Force-sensitivity led to her acceptance into the Sith Order. Circa 3643 BBY, she, along with five other Sith Acolytes, was brought to the Sith Academy located on Korriban to undergo trials and evaluations, with the goal of becoming the apprentice of the Sith Lord known as Zash. The malevolent Overseer Harkun oversaw Kory's trials, initially assigning the acolytes the task of venturing into the tomb of the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith named Ajunta Pall to locate and be judged by the reclusive Sith Lord Spindrall. Despite completing the task and surviving Spindrall's tests, Kory was deemed unworthy of training in the dark side of the Force by the elder Sith. Consequently, upon her return to Harkun, Kory was executed by him, thus ending her short career as an acolyte.


During the tumultuous era of galactic tranquility dictated by the Treaty of Coruscant between the re-established Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, Kory existed as a Human female. She originated from the planets within the Sith dominion, but was born into a lower societal stratum. As a low-born Imperial citizen, Kory was initially relegated to the status of a slave; however, her Force-sensitive nature was discovered, leading to her induction into the Sith Order in accordance with Imperial regulations. The young woman's training began as a mere acolyte, but around 3643 BBY, she was summoned to the Sith's sacred world of Korriban to become a student at the renowned Sith Academy located there.

The young Sith was called to the planet to participate in a series of trials intended to identify an apprentice for the Sith Lord known as Zash. Kory, along with five other former slaves—Balek, Wydr, Gerr, Niloc, and a sixth acolyte—were chosen due to their unprivileged backgrounds. Zash had foreseen that her apprentice would arise from humble origins, and thus instructed the academy's Overseer Harkun to oversee the trials of the six acolytes, eliminating those deemed weak or unsuitable. Harkun, a severe and prejudiced instructor, gathered the hopefuls at the Korriban Arrival Port, which overlooked the Valley of the Dark Lords. There, he explained that Zash's initial trial involved entering the tomb of the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith, Ajunta Pall. Within, they were tasked with finding and being judged by the reclusive Sith Lord, Spindrall, whose opinion Zash valued highly.

Kory is executed by Overseer Harkun.

Following the assignment of their first task, Harkun singled out the sixth acolyte, who had arrived late, for harassment. Before departing to find Spindrall, Kory offered her peer some comforting words of encouragement. She then proceeded into the Valley of the Dark Lords and, from there, into the Tomb of Ajunta Pall. Kory successfully located Spindrall within the crypt's Sacrificial Chamber, where she was challenged by the elder Sith and ultimately deemed weak and unworthy. The acolyte exited the tomb to reunite with her fellow students and Overseer Harkun, this time within the academy itself. Harkun had received word from Spindrall regarding his judgments of the students and decided to make an example of Kory. To that end, the overseer summoned Kory forward during the meeting and announced that Spindrall had declared her unfit. Harkun then shot Kory with a blast of Force lightning, executing the young woman in front of her assembled peers.

Personality and traits

Kory was a human with red hair, blue-green eyes, and a fair complexion. At the time of her Sith training, she was youthful and bore a large, uneven scar on the right side of her face.

In contrast to many Sith at the academy on Korriban, Kory was neither vengeful nor competitive. She readily offered encouragement and reassurance to her fellow acolyte when the student was being harassed by Harkun, despite the fact that the rest of the acolytes ran ahead to complete their first trial. Kory also failed to impress Spindrall, who evaluated his visitors on their ability to comprehend and adhere to the Code of the Sith, which was based on passion and power. Her inability to embody the tenets of the code provided Harkun with an excuse to murder her and use her death as a cautionary tale for her peers.

Behind the scenes

Kory made her debut in the 2011 online roleplaying game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare and LucasArts. She appears as a non-player character in cutscenes during the Sith Inquisitor storyline's prelude mission, "Of Mind and Matter," on Korriban.

