Krrsish, a Wookiee, held the rank of Jedi Initiate at some point before 42 BBY. Residing at the Jedi Temple located on the planet Coruscant, Krrsish became a member of the Tibidee Clan and cultivated friendships with Jak'zin, a Togorian, and Gheyr, a Trandoshan. After witnessing a lightsaber battle between Jedi Masters Yoda and Dooku, the Wookiee experienced a vision foretelling conflict between Trandoshans and Wookiees. He later confided in Dooku, who advised him to keep the vision to himself.
Recurring visions plagued Krrsish, depicting the Trandoshans, particularly Gheyr, succumbing to the dark side of the Force. Some time afterward, the Tibidee Clan was brought to the celestial body Corvair II, where they were to be left alone to confront a trial. While on Corvair II, the Wookiee requested a private conversation with Gheyr, but he then attacked the Trandoshan, brandishing his lightsaber against her.

Krrsish, a Wookiee, became a Jedi Initiate within the Jedi Order prior to 42 BBY. As an initiate, Krrsish resided at the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant, joining the Tibidee Clan alongside his comrades Jak'zin, a Togorian, and Gheyr, a Trandoshan. One day, the three younglings were engaged in training alongside other initiates when Jedi Masters Yoda and Dooku opted to showcase their lightsaber combat skills. Eager to witness the two Jedi Masters, Jak'zin pointed out that Dooku was a member of the Jedi High Council and had once been Yoda's Padawan, but the Wookiee countered that he was over-informed. Following the duel, Jak'zin and Gheyr expressed their excitement, but the Wookiee declared his intention to surpass both Jedi Masters as a Jedi. His friends doubted him, with Jak'zin estimating it would take him around eight hundred years to achieve that level.
After the demonstration, Dooku remarked that several initiates showed promise, and that Krrsish displayed impressive form with his lightsaber. Yoda concurred, noting the Wookiee's dedication and the strength of his friendships. Later, while Krrsish was meditating with Jak'zin and Gheyr, his friends' continued discussion of the duel disrupted his concentration, prompting him to ask them to leave. During his meditation, the Wookiee experienced a vision depicting conflict between Wookiees and Trandoshans.

Disturbed by the vision, Krrsish sought answers in the Jedi Library, where Dooku overheard him and questioned his motives. Krrsish apologized for the interruption, but Dooku insisted on knowing what troubled him. The initiate confessed to experiencing a vision, prompting Dooku to inquire if it was his first. Upon confirmation, the Jedi Master cautioned Krrsish against sharing it, claiming the Jedi frowned upon Force visions. Later, the Wookiee encountered Gheyr, leaving both the Trandoshan and the Togorian puzzled by his behavior.
Subsequently, Jak'zin and Gheyr sparred with their lightsabers, with Gheyr emerging victorious. Following the duel, Krrsish accused Gheyr of deriving pleasure from causing harm, which the Trandoshan denied. Yoda intervened, requesting Krrsish to stay with him, and Jak'zin expressed to Gheyr his satisfaction that Krrsish was finally facing consequences for his actions. The Trandoshan responded that she only desired to be friends with the Wookiee once more.
Yoda confronted the Wookiee about his behavior, inquiring about the source of his distress, to which Krrsish attributed it to another student. Unconvinced, Yoda probed whether it involved Gheyr. The Master further emphasized that Krrsish wasn't obligated to befriend every Jedi, but he was required to respect them, cautioning that hate led to the dark side of the Force. He also revealed that Gheyr had been discovered as a youngling by a group of Wookiees, highlighting the Force's influence through all beings.
One night, Krrsish dreamt of approaching Gheyr to apologize. However, upon embracing her, the Trandoshan, now corrupted by the dark side of the Force, would shove the Wookiee away and activate her lightsaber, attacking him, causing the Wookiee to awaken with a scream. Later, Krrsish met with Yoda in the Jedi Temple, inquiring about Dooku's whereabouts, to which Yoda replied he was departing Coruscant that day. Upon reaching the Master, the Wookiee relayed that he had experienced the same vision again, leading Dooku to suggest such timely warnings should be regarded as a gift. He also advised the initiate to continue observing, gathering evidence, and honing the skills necessary to interpret the visions.
The Wookiee continued to train, meditate, and share meals with Jak'zin and Gheyr, even constructing their lightsabers together. Some time later, Yoda accompanied the Tibidee Clan to undergo a trial on the celestial object Corvair II. There, several initiates would be left to reconnect with the Force and assess their abilities. On Corvair II, Krrsish approached Jak'zin and Gheyr, requesting a private conversation with the latter. Gheyr accompanied the Wookiee, asking what was troubling him. Krrsish claimed he had foreseen a danger, and when the Trandoshan pressed him for details, the Wookiee struck her, sending Gheyr crashing against a tree, declaring her to be the danger. The bewildered Trandoshan retaliated, knocking the Wookiee to the ground. However, Krrsish rose and lunged at the initiate with his lightsaber ignited.
Yoda intervened, halting the duel. Seeking to prevent herself and Krrsish from succumbing to the dark side, Gheyr departed the Jedi Order, with Yoda later lamenting his failure to protect her.
Krrsish made his debut in a flashback sequence in Yoda 4, the fourth installment of the Star Wars: Yoda comic miniseries. The issue was penned by Jody Houser, illustrated by Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard, and released by Marvel Comics on February 22, 2023. Before the comic's publication, he was initially indirectly mentioned and depicted in a post featured on on November 10, 2022.