Laan Tik's lightsaber

Laan Tik, a Jedi General, used a lightsaber with a single blue blade during the Battle of Mimban, which occurred on the planet of Mimban. In 22 BBY, this Clone Wars conflict saw Tik's Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in combat against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The lightsaber, which was powered by a kyber crystal, featured a [gray](/article/color] cylindrical hilt, finished with a black grip and a black ring.

After Tik died during the battle, [Jar Jar Binks](/article/jar_jar_binks], a Republic Junior Representative, seized the lightsaber to keep it out of enemy control. Subsequently, after nearly harming himself five separate times with the weapon, Binks employed it to defeat B1-series battle droids who were about to execute Rex, a beleaguered Clone Captain, thus saving him. When the lightsaber then fell from Binks's hands, Rex reprimanded the representative and took possession of the weapon to prevent any further injuries. The captain and Binks then fought their way toward a Separatist shield generator, with the captain denying Binks's repeated requests for the lightsaber's return.

Behind the scenes

The lightsaber of Laan Tik made an appearance in the comic story called "501 Plus One," which was released by Marvel Comics as part of Age of Republic Special 1 on January 16, 2019. Marc Guggenheim wrote the story, and Caspar Wijngaard and Cris Peter provided the illustrations.

