Leia and Han - The Han Rescue

"Leia and Han: The Han Rescue" marks the twenty-fifth installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures. The episode was first available on both the StarWarsKids.com website and the YouTube platform on April 26 of 2019.


The episode commences with Leia Organa, in disguise, liberating Han Solo from his carbonite encasement within Jabba's Palace. Suffering the effects of hibernation sickness, Han questions her identity, to which Leia responds that she is someone with affection for him.

Subsequently, the episode transitions to a flashback, depicting Leia with a displeased expression as Han converses with Lando Calrissian on the landing platform of Cloud City. The narrative continues with Han, Leia, and Chewbacca being led by Lando into a banquet hall, where they are ambushed by Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and stormtroopers. The flashback further shows Leia observing Han being lowered into the carbon-freezing chamber. Leia professes her love to Han, who replies that he is aware. Vader and Fett remain stoic observers.

The narrator asserts that in a "galaxy of adventures," love triumphs over all, while Leia appears grave. The video then fast-forwards to scenes of Leia and Chewbacca engaged in a blaster battle against stormtroopers. Bespin Wing Guard personnel carry Han's carbonite-encased form onto the Slave I, under Fett's watchful gaze. Leia, Chewie, and Lando soon arrive, but find themselves unable to prevent Fett's departure with Solo.

Returning to the present timeline, Leia and Han share a heartfelt embrace within the depths of Jabba's Palace.

