Ligg Panat, holding the rank of Lieutenant, was a female member of the Krish species'. This skilled pilot served with distinction in Rogue Squadron when the Yuuzhan Vong War began in 25 ABY. Under the command of Rogue Leader Gavin Darklighter, she flew with the designation Rogue Seven. Her approach to combat mirrored the playful nature of her species, as she treated it like a sport or game.
In the year 25 ABY, as the Yuuzhan Vong War commenced, Ligg Panat, a female Krish, was a lieutenant and a starfighter pilot within the renowned Rogue Squadron. She was known as Rogue Seven during her flights. Early in the war, Admiral Traest Kre'fey of the New Republic Defense Fleet enlisted Rogue Squadron. Their mission was to investigate the Outer Rim following a report from Leia Organa Solo concerning an invading alien force. This report was initially dismissed by the New Republic Senate.
To avoid direct conflict with the Senate's stance, the Rogues were officially tasked with simulating pirate attacks on Kre'fey's Bothan Assault Cruiser, the Ralroost. While in the Outer Rim, Panat and her fellow Rogues faced off against the coralskipper fighters of the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong. Tragically, two squadron members, Tik and Dinger, were killed by miniature black hole singularities generated by the coralskippers' dovin basal vortices.
The Rogues engaged in further combat with coralskippers as the Ralroost assisted in the evacuation of Dubrillion of Agamarian refugees from Dubrillion. Due to insufficient supplies for a long hyperspace jump, the freighters carrying the refugees landed on Dantooine. Rogue Squadron formed part of a small defense force against a Yuuzhan Vong assault during the Battle of Dantooine. Tragically, Panat was among the six Rogue pilots who perished in the battle, falling victim to coralskippers. In the same battle, warriors of the Yuuzhan Vong murdered half of the refugees. The survivors were subsequently relocated to Agamar, after which the remaining Rogues returned to Coruscant aboard the Ralroost.