
Mamkoda was a celestial body located within the Cassander sector, which itself was situated within the Trans-Hydian Borderlands area. During the period known as the Cold War, a tense standoff between the First Order, the inheritor of the Galactic Empire's legacy, and the Resistance, a modest military organization formed by New Republic senator Leia Organa, a band of pirates active in the sector seized control of a local spaceport found on Mamkoda, establishing it as their operational headquarters.

In the year 34 ABY, the Resistance discovered the First Order's scheme to dominate the Cassander sector by arming the pirates. Responding to this looming danger, the Resistance dispatched a squadron of A-wing starfighters along with bombers to the region. The pirate base on Mamkoda became the squadron's initial objective, and following a battle against the pirate forces, the Resistance succeeded in obliterating the base.

Behind the scenes

The name Mamkoda initially surfaced in the 2017 canon journal The Last Jedi: Bomber Command, a replica written by Jason Fry.


  • The Last Jedi: Bomber Command (Initial mention)

Notes and references
