Around the time of 229 BBY, specifically nine months following the Destruction of Starlight Beacon, a trio of Jedi Order members, in collaboration with the Republic Defense Coalition, embarked on a journey to the Stormwall's border. This was prompted by an assault on the planet Asternin's settlement by Nihil maurader forces, commanded by Storm Melis Shryke. Upon their arrival to assist the settlement, the Jedi and Republic Defense Coalition faced an attack from the Nihil, who deployed a 47 lightsaber nullifier on their Stormship, named Cacophony, to neutralize the Jedi's lightsabers.
Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter, one of the Jedi present, opted to confront the Nihil single-handedly. He instructed the other two Jedi, Jedi Knights Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry, to gather the inhabitants and facilitate their escape. Veter successfully defended against numerous Nihil without sustaining any injuries and managed to ascend a rope to reach the Cacophony. However, Shryke activated a propulsion mechanism, causing Veter to be violently thrown back down to the planet's surface. While Zettifar and Agaburry successfully evacuated a large number of townspeople, Veter was apprehended by Shryke and handed over to Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro.