
Mordal, a planet possessing a Type I atmosphere suitable for breathing, existed as a terrestrial world. During the Imperial Era, Maborn was one of at least one city located on its surface. A battle occurred in Maborn in 4 ABY, pitting the forces of the Galactic Empire against those of the Rebel Alliance. Amidst this conflict, the civilian Corwin Ballast found himself caught in the crossfire, and his wife, Lynnta, along with their daughter, tragically perished due to stray blaster fire.

The battle that took place on Mordal concluded without a clear winner, as the Imperial and rebel forces eventually stopped fighting. Following this tragic event, Ballast, overwhelmed with grief over the loss of his wife and child, made the decision to depart Mordal and relocate to Jakku, a planet situated in the Inner Rim, seeking to escape the memories of war. While conversing with Ergel, a bartender on Jakku, he briefly recalled the battle on Mordal before resuming their discussion.

Behind the scenes

Chuck Wendig's 2015 novel, Aftermath, the initial entry in Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy, featured Mordal through flashback sequences.

