
Narthex, a satellite of Catadra, itself a planet within the Deep Core's Cerberon system, was once a populated world. However, for almost a millennium, it had been deserted, with dirkweed brambles growing unchecked across its surface.

Following the events of the Battle of Endor, a band of Imperials established a secret hideout on Narthex. These Imperials met their end when New Republic pilot [Yrica Quell](/article/yrica_quell] arrived to liberate [Caern Adan](/article/caern_adan], a New Republic Intelligence agent they had taken captive. Quell's actions resulted in the death of the Imperials and the successful rescue of Adan.


Narthex, the only moon of the planet Catadra, was situated in the Cerberon system of the Deep Core. Catadra itself orbited the Cerberon singularity black hole. This terrestrial moon, characterized by its [mesa](/article/mesa] terrain, possessed a breathable atmosphere. Dirkweed, a crystalline [bramble](/article/plant] known for its rapid growth, thrived on Narthex. The plant's unique slate-blue coloration seemed to infuse the atmosphere, giving the moon a smoky appearance.


Nearly a millennium before the time of the [Galactic Empire](/article/galactic_empire], Narthex was a world with inhabitants. Over time, it became deserted, and dirkweed engulfed its structures and landscapes. In 5 ABY, after the Empire's defeat during the Battle of Endor, the New Republic launched a campaign to seize control of the Cerberon system. By this time, a group of fugitive Imperials had made Narthex their home, taking refuge in an abandoned observatory. An [Aleena](/article/unidentified_aleena_operator] on Catadra routinely transmitted data from within the system to the Imperial hideout on Narthex.

The Imperial unit stationed on Narthex, upon returning from an operation near the black hole, acquired the recently abducted New Republic Intelligence agent [Caern Adan](/article/caern_adan]. They proceeded to interrogate him within their hideout. After uncovering the identities of Adan's captors and becoming aware of the Aleena's communications, New Republic pilots [Yrica Quell](/article/yrica_quell] and [Nath Tensent](/article/nath_tensent], accompanied by Adan's droid, IT-O, journeyed to Narthex aboard a freighter. They approached the moon discreetly before landing approximately half a kilometer away from the observatory.

Quell successfully deactivated the observatory's perimeter alarms, while Tensent subdued the [stormtrooper](/article/stormtrooper] guarding the exterior. Quell then attached an explosive device to the door and deployed a cyclo-dioxis canister down the observatory's telescope. When a stormtrooper attempted to open the door, the explosive detonated. Quell subsequently entered the observatory, killing the remaining Imperials inside. Tensent maneuvered their freighter closer to the observatory, and together, they rescued Adan, who was unconscious but alive, before departing from Narthex.


Narthex was once populated, but during the New Republic's Cerberon campaign, the only inhabitants were an Imperial unit. This unit comprised at least seven individuals, who were suffering from malnutrition and dehydration due to being fugitives with limited supplies.


A long-abandoned observatory on Narthex served as a hideout for a group of Imperials. This bunker, built into the decaying summit of a mesa, had been largely overtaken by dirkweed at the time of its occupation by the Imperial unit.

Behind the scenes

Narthex is featured in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, authored by Alexander Freed.

