Nikki Idd, a Human female, dedicated her youth to assisting her father, the droid designer Lonn Idd, within the confines of his droid repair space station. Sometime between 19 and 15 BBY, after retrieving a collection of damaged droids from the planet Dodz, Idd and her sibling, Vik, briefly became the owners of the protocol droid C-3PO and the astromech droid R2-D2. Upon their return to the station, Idd discovered that the Annoo-dat Blue gangster Tig Fromm was holding her father captive. Fromm coerced Lonn into installing a potent laser onto his starship in exchange for Idd's well-being. An initial rescue attempt by Vik and the two droids was foiled by a Fromm Gang hover guard, but C-3PO later retaliated against the gangsters disguised as an ancient guardian droid. Idd supported the protocol droid's efforts by spraying Fromm's face with perfume, and Vik managed to trap the overwhelmed gangsters in a packing net. Subsequently, the Idd siblings transported C-3PO and R2-D2 to the nearest Intergalactic Droid Agency outpost.

During the era of the Galactic Empire, Nikki Idd, identified as a Human female, lived her life. She was the offspring of the well-known droid designer Lonn Idd. Both Nikki Idd and her brother, Vik, were employed by their father, operating from his droid repair space station at some point between 19 and 15 BBY. When the two young siblings were sent to the planet Dodz aboard an Intergalactic Droid Agency shuttle to gather various droids in need of repairs, Idd's brother had to step in to break up a fight among several droids during the return journey. This altercation resulted in the protocol droid C-3PO being thrown into his malfunctioning counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2, causing him to begin to overload. Idd swiftly inserted an energy shield into the astromech, which stopped the overload but also limited him to his most basic functions. C-3PO expressed his sadness that he and his counterpart were without masters, and he eagerly accepted Vik's offer for the Idd siblings to act as their masters until Lonn could repair R2-D2.
Upon reaching the space station, Idd was taken aback by the lack of the usual welcome from her father. She hurried through the station's corridors while Vik assigned the droids to different repair stations. Upon finding her father, she discovered him tied up and being questioned by the Annoo-dat Blue gangster Tig Fromm, who demanded that Lonn install a powerful laser on the gangster's starship. When Idd rushed to her father's aid, she was seized by Fromm's bodyguard, Vlix Oncard, but she escaped by kicking Oncard in the shin and managed to secretly activate a computer monitor's camera. As a result, Vik and C-3PO, who were still in the hangar, were able to witness Lonn agreeing to Fromm's demands in exchange for his daughter's safety. Idd was locked in a supply shed, which Vik soon entered while R2-D2 and C-3PO distracted the Fromm Gang's guards. However, their escape was blocked by a robotic hover guard that blasted R2-D2 and allowed the guards to capture Vik and Nikki Idd.
The siblings were held captive while their father completed his work. Once he finished, Fromm informed him that the space station would be the laser's first target. However, the gangster was interrupted by the sudden arrival of an ancient guardian droid. Hoping to sell it on the black market, Fromm demanded that Idd hand over its control disk, but she instead produced a disc-shaped vial of Nova Starlight perfume and sprayed it in his face. The guardian droid then advanced on the gangsters and fought off attacking hover guards with its powerful punches. Cornered, the gangsters were trapped in a packing net dropped by Vik. The Idds' savior was revealed to be C-3PO, wearing the empty shell of a guardian droid he had discovered aboard the station, and Lonn gratefully repaired the damaged R2-D2. Once the astromech was fixed, the children returned both droids to the Intergalactic Droid Agency so they could find new masters.

At the time of her encounter with Tig Fromm, Nikki Idd was a young girl characterized by blonde hair, black pupils, light skin, a humorous disposition, and a fondness for perfume. She demonstrated quick thinking and a willingness to act during emergencies, which enabled her to calm down a malfunctioning R2-D2 and helped to thwart the Fromm Gang. However, her impulsive rush into danger initially led to her capture by the gangsters. She was fond of her father, worked for him at his droid repair station, and was capable of piloting his shuttle alongside her brother. She also possessed some knowledge of droid repair.
Nikki Idd's sole appearance in Star Wars canon occurs in The Ultimate Weapon, the second issue of Marvel Comics' Star Wars: Droids comic series. This issue, written by David Manak, penciled by John Romita Sr., and colored by George Roussos, was released in June 1986. Idd was later indirectly mentioned in her father's entry in 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia and referenced in a 2013 article on the official blog.