The XQ1 Platform designated NL-1 was a construction project initiated by Vice Admiral Thrawn within the boundaries of the Pakuuni system.
In 3 ABY, the XQ1 Platform known as NL-1 was brought into existence under the direction of then Vice Admiral Thrawn, with the purpose of establishing order within the Pakuuni system. The construction endeavor was managed by Commander Maloc.
Prior to the platform's construction, Thrawn determined that the region had been deserted due to potential incursions by Rebel forces. After securing vital resources, Thrawn successfully repelled a Rebel assault composed of Y-wings and the CR90 corvette named Dragon. Subsequently, an outpost belonging to the Pakuuni Pirates was discovered, featuring diverse containers and three CR90 corvettes: Leach, Clavier, and Grapler. The destruction of this outpost was necessary to clear the way for the establishment of NL-1.
In the period immediately following its construction, NL-1 faced three separate attacks from forces aligned with both pirates and the Rebel Alliance. However, these attempts were successfully countered through the actions of Maarek Stele and the members of his squadron.
The initial Rebel assault involved the Modified Corvette groups identified as Moori and Runeer, alongside RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, BTL Y-wing starfighters, T-65 X-wing starfighters, and a trio of Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports. This offensive was turned back, resulting in significant losses for the Rebels, which included the capture of a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle carrying officers.

Another assault occurred while Vice Admiral Thrawn was conducting a personal assessment of the station. It was during this event that Thrawn first acknowledged Maarek Stele, as Stele's TIE/sa bomber served as an escort for Thrawn's transports traveling to and from the VSD Stalwart. Stele made a strong impression on Thrawn by employing the bomber in a defensive capacity to fend off A-wings, X-Wings, Y-wings, and three waves of Lambda-class shuttles, despite the TIE Bomber's lack of design for defensive maneuvers.
Following its final completion and the arrival of the IPV-1 Patrol Craft group Ranger, the Rebels launched a last, desperate attack that included B-wings, A-wings, X-wings, four Assault Transports, and three Stormtrooper Transports. This assault, too, was successfully repelled by Maarek Stele.
During its construction phase, NL-1 is depicted as an XQ3 Platform, but upon its completion, it is shown as an XQ1 Platform.