
Nodlia, originally known as LebJau, was a male human who specialized in electronics and maintenance. He was born on Mokivj and toiled in the Mokivj droid factory under the leadership of Duke Solha, a pro-separatist figure and former member of the Galactic Republic. Following the catastrophe that befell his home planet, Mokivj, LebJau adopted a new identity and relocated to Batuu. This decision stemmed from the fact that the Mokivj population was aware of his collaboration with Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Senator Padmé Amidala, and Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, more commonly known as Thrawn of the Chiss Ascendancy.



During LebJau's life on Mokivj, the Separatists gained control of the planet. Due to insufficient food rations, the local inhabitants would venture out of their encampments at night to hunt. LebJau engaged in these hunting expeditions alongside Grubs and others.

On one occasion, the hunting group encountered Padmé Amidala after her ship crashed, with her escape pod landing in the river. Unaware of her true identity, she persuaded them that she was merely visiting the planet and suggested they hold her for ransom instead of handing her over to the Separatists. They detained Padme in a "boat" fashioned from scrap by LebJau, which Padme considered to be of "rough and amateurish" quality. He assisted Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Chiss Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, also known as Thrawn, during the events of the Mokivj Catastrophe.

Oga's Cantina

Following the advice of Skywalker, LebJau, now called Nodlia, worked as a bartender at Oga's Cantina when Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, journeyed to Batuu. He gave the information requested by the Chiss and Sith Lord.

Personality and traits

LebJau, who later became Nodlia, was a human male employed as a maintenance worker for the pro-separatist Duke Solha. Despite holding Padmé for ransom, LebJau/Nodlia displayed kindness towards her. He expressed regret for not having proper bedding for her and, to her surprise, made good on his promise to provide her with food.

