Obi-Wan and Anakin 2

Obi-Wan and Anakin Issue #2 represents the second installment of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin. This particular issue was authored by Charles Soule, with illustrations provided by Marco Checchetto, and it was released on February 3, 2016 through Marvel Comics.

Summary from the Publisher

The Jedi Master and his Padawan find themselves marooned on an unknown planet…a world filled with bizarre, rudimentary technology and hazardous inhabitants. But even if they manage to survive…why were they summoned to this planet in the first place?

Detailed Plot

Mediators in a Battlefield

Mother Pran demands that Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, the Padawan Anakin Skywalker, declare whether they are affiliated with the Open or the Closed. She expresses disbelief that they are actually Jedi. Before the situation escalates any further, a Closed airship attacks their position on the cliff. All four individuals barely escape being killed.

When Kolara inquires about their next course of action, Pran expresses her hope that the Closed airship will eliminate the Jedi, thus leaving them in peace. Kenobi voices his disagreement and expresses disbelief that they are being targeted by the Closed. Pran retorts that the Closed are indiscriminate killers. When Skywalker asks if there's any possibility the Closed will leave them alone, Pran says it will only happen after they see their dead bodies. Through his connection to the Force, Skywalker detected that the ship ascended.

Much to the surprise of Pran and Kolara, Kenobi leaps onto the cliff's edge to confront the airship. Skywalker assures the locals that Master Kenobi is fully aware of his actions. Kenobi then employs his lightsaber to slice through the airship's gasbag, resulting in its fiery descent. One of the crew members jumps out of the ship, and Skywalker saves him from certain death.

Negotiating Peace

Mother Pran is enraged by Kenobi's rescue of a Closed warrior, emphasizing that Grecker is one of their most formidable adversaries. Pran intends to execute Grecker immediately, but Anakin intervenes. With Kenobi's approval, Skywalker uses his lightsaber to destroy their blasters, effectively disarming the two warring parties. Refusing to concede, Pran and Grecker produce daggers, but Kenobi uses the Force to levitate their weapons out of reach.

Kenobi introduces himself and Skywalker to Grecker, demanding an explanation for the animosity between Grecker and Pran. Grecken accuses the Open of contaminating their world with the Celadon Sea. Pran counters that the Closed initiated the war and that the Open are the only force preventing the planet's descent into total chaos. Kenobi expresses his desire to depart, but Skywalker fears they will continue to kill each other.

Kenobi voices his hope that they will refrain from further violence, suggesting that disarming them will provide an opportunity for reconsideration. Acknowledging that the Jedi cannot remain with them indefinitely, Kenobi proposes that they redirect their energies toward solvable problems. Grecker objects, pointing out that they cannot safely traverse the Celadon Sea without their weapons. Kolara echoes Grecker's sentiment, much to Mother Pran's dismay. However, Pran concedes that Grecker is correct. Kenobi then agrees to escort the Open and Closed combatants to safety.

Journey into the Celadon Sea

Skywalker inquires about the possibility of repairing the wrecked airships, reasoning that it would greatly simplify their journey. Grecker agrees in principle but believes it to be unfeasible. Skywalker disagrees, noting that they possess an intact gondola and airbag. He believes he can utilize his mechanical skills to assemble a functional ship. Grecker objects, arguing that combining an Open airbag with a Closed gondola would be an unacceptable abomination.

Anakin assures them of their safety. When Kolara asks about the distress call that prompted the Jedi's arrival, Anakin explains that someone on Carnelion IV had requested Jedi assistance. Kolara is astonished, having believed that they had lost the technology for interstellar communication during the early stages of the Open-Closed war. Mother Pran offers her assistance in helping Anakin and Grecker construct an airship.

Despite his reservations, Grecker agrees to help due to the presence of a pack of winged corpse-leeches. Kenobi senses that the creatures are driven by instinct and are not acting maliciously. Unwilling to kill them, Kenobi instructs Skywalker to use the Force to guide them away. Kenobi manages to pacify three of the corpse-leeches, but Skywalker is forced to kill several that approach him.

Meeting with Palpatine

In a flashback sequence, Skywalker struggles to calm a Mott during a training session at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Skywalker struggles with his own anger. Kenobi advises that patience is essential for mastering such skills. Skywalker wishes to continue until he can successfully calm the Mott, but Kenobi informs him that he has been summoned to a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

The two meet with Chancellor Palpatine in his office. Palpatine expresses his pleasure that Skywalker could spare time from his Jedi training to meet with him. Kenobi expresses his pride in Anakin's progress, believing he will become an exceptional Jedi. When Kenobi asks Palpatine if he has a mission for them, the Chancellor replies that he wants Anakin to accompany him on an errand. A concerned Kenobi offers to go in his place, but Palpatine assures Kenobi that he is capable of handling himself and that Skywalker will be in safe hands and that he will have Anakin back at the temple before Kenobi would know it. Palpatine said he realised that Anakin needed to study and agreed with Kenobi that Skywalker still had much to learn.

Accompanied by a cloaked Palpatine, Skywalker descends to Coruscant's subterranean Level 2685. Anakin questions the need to visit such a dangerous location. Palpatine appeals to Anakin's curiosity and adventurous spirit by explaining that he visits the Coruscant Underworld as a matter of duty. He notes that it is uncommon for Padawans to venture into the underworld and even rarer for its inhabitants to reach the surface. Palpatine informs them that the sun is merely a legend in the underworld.

While his predecessor Chancellor Finis Valorum chose to ignore the underworld, Palpatine asserts that it is the darkness that most requires illumination. As they pass a bound man, Palpatine explains that, time permitting, he disguises himself and visits the underworld to perform acts of kindness. The two then visit a rundown cantina called Club Kasakar.

Up in the Air

Aboard the airship, Kenobi tells Skywalker that the locals changed their minds about helping them the moment they told them why they were here. Kenobi expresses his satisfaction that two bitter enemies are collaborating for a common objective, hoping that this temporary truce will foster greater understanding. Skywalker observes that the locals are not unlike them. Kenobi disagrees, stating that while they may engage in heated discussions, they remain master and student.

When Skywalker brings up the Sith, Kenobi replies that they will remain vigilant and trust in the Force. He believes they are safe for the first time since arriving on Carnelion IV. The airship then flies over a group of menacing corpse-leeches.

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