Otoh Jahai

Otoh Jahai was a city belonging to the Gungan civilization, situated on Naboo around 3000 BBY. An ancient Gungan Temple was located there.


Naboo was the planet upon which the Gungan city of Otoh Jahai was built. Among the structures found in the city were a troop center, a command center, a Gungan Temple, prefab shelters, and also sentry towers.


Otoh Jahai was governed by Boss Tenko during a war that occurred circa 3000 BBY among the various Gungan tribes. The city was an active participant in the conflict, with its military forces directing their attacks towards the neighboring city of Otoh Langua, which was under the rule of Boss Hantic, after Otoh Jahai's Sacred Staff was reported missing. Boss Gallo of Otoh Sancture journeyed to the settlement, seeking Tenko's assistance in his battle against the warlord Boss Rogoe. Tenko agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Hantic, but only under the condition that Gallo locate and return the stolen staff. Gallo embarked on a quest to retrieve the staff and discovered that Rogoe's forces, not the people of Otoh Langua, were responsible for its theft. Upon Gallo's return of the staff to Tenko, Tenko, in turn, contributed four heavily armored troopers to Gallo's newly established Gungan Grand Army. Gallo subsequently achieved victory over Rogoe during a battle that took place in Spearhead, Rogoe's capital city, leading to the unification of the Gungan tribes.

Behind the scenes

Otoh Jahai is featured in the Gungan campaign of the video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released in 2001, as well as in its expansion pack, Clone Campaigns, which came out in 2002.

