Tenko was a male Gungan of the Ankura variety, native to the world of Naboo. He held the position of Boss within the city known as Otoh Jahai. During the Gungan tribal war that transpired around 3000 BBY, a year, Boss Gallo from Otoh Sancture sought out Tenko. Gallo requested that Tenko cease hostilities with other tribes and instead unite their forces against the warlord Boss Rogoe. Tenko consented to provide aid, but only on the condition that Gallo retrieve his city's Sacred Staff from Otoh Langua. After Gallo determined that the staff was actually located in the forest, not within Otoh Langua, and returned it to Tenko, the Boss of Otoh Jahai honored his agreement by dispatching troops to reinforce Gallo's Grand Army.

Hailing from the planet of Naboo, Tenko was a male Gungan of the Ankura type, characterized by green skin. By 3000 BBY, a year marked by widespread conflict among Gungan settlements, he served as the Boss of the Gungan city of Otoh Jahai. Amidst the war between the Gungan tribes, an effort arose to unify the Gungan villages and overcome the warlord Boss Rogoe. Boss Gallo of Otoh Sancture approached Tenko, imploring him to end the inter-tribal strife and lend assistance to his mission of avenging his city, which had suffered destruction at the hands of bursas under Rogoe's command. Tenko agreed to help, but only if Gallo vowed to recover the Sacred Staff that had been pilfered from his village by the inhabitants of Otoh Langua, an accusation refuted by Boss Hantic, their leader. Upon Gallo's discovery of the missing staff within the forest, rather than in the possession of Otoh Langua, he returned it to Otoh Jahai. Consequently, Tenko consented to cease attacks on Otoh Langua and contribute the support of his troops to Gallo's cause by providing four heavy militiagungs. Bolstered by Tenko's support and the newly assembled Gungan Grand Army, Gallo successfully united all the Gungan tribes and achieved defeat over Rogoe, thereby concluding the war.
Tenko demonstrated a reluctance to back down from confrontations when the safety of his people was at stake. He also readily suspected the people of Otoh Langua of stealing his village's Sacred Staff. However, once proven wrong, he remained true to his word and willingly offered troops to Boss Gallo's cause. The Gungan's surname was a term used to refer to a sharp weapon.
Boss Tenko's sole appearances occurred in the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds for PC and its expansion, Clone Campaigns. Tenko is featured in the second mission of the Gungan campaign, entitled "The Gungan Who Would Be Boss," and his character icon mirrors those of most other Gungan Bosses in the game. No voice actor receives credit for Tenko within the game's credits. The Prima Games strategy guide for the game alludes to Tenko as a voice heard by the player upon entering Otoh Jahai.