The insurrection known as Parrah's rebellion took place sometime in the interval between the Red Sith Purge in 4985 BBY and the attempted coup d'état by Seelah and Jariad Korsin in 4975 BBY. During this uprising, Ermon Parrah, previously the Lost Tribe's navigator and principal science officer, spearheaded an unsuccessful endeavor to commandeer the disabled starship Omen. This was the very vessel that had transported the Tribe's forebears to Kesh, with the goal of escaping the planet and rejoining the broader galaxy. The Lost Tribe's leadership, however, quashed this rebellion, and most of the surviving insurgents were turned into slaves. Parrah, along with his family, were condemned to perpetual servitude and commanded to weave a cord long enough to reach the stars. Because this task was an impossibility, Parrah and his family were forever unable to reach the stars and improve their social standing. For thousands of years, Parrah's descendants practiced tailoring and weaving in the port city of Eorm, and were thus known as the Spinner family. The heavy stigma associated with their punishment ensured that Parrah's descendants obeyed this ancient decree, even during the tumultuous Time of the Rot. After the Hilts Restoration, Parlan Spinner, a Sith anarchist, broke this family tradition, becoming the first of his line to defy the edict. He rose to become the leader of an outlaw band called "Spinner's Web."
Spinner's actions eventually drew the attention of the Sith authorities, leading to his capture in 2974 BBY. However, Varner Hilts, the ruling Grand Lord, chose to offer Spinner a second chance, assigning him to work as a crew member aboard the sailing vessel Southern Star. Spinner then initiated a series of events that would lead to the return and subsequent defeat of the ancient Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa. His role in the Siege of Tahv resulted in Spinner being hailed as a hero by the Tribe and being inducted into the ranks of the Grand Lord's Hand. Whether other members of the Spinner family experienced a similar elevation in social status remains unknown.
The storyline of Parrah's rebellion was integrated as a plot element in John Jackson Miller's 2012 standalone comic book, Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith—Spiral. It was featured in the third issue of the series, which was released on October 10, 2012. In an email exchange with Miller dated October 20 2013, he confirmed that Ermon Parrah was indeed the same Parrah who served as the relief navigator and chief science advisor on the starship Omen. He also clarified that Parrah's rebellion occurred between the events depicted in the two eBooks, Paragon and Savior, as Spiral 3 showcased the Kesh Sith Temple, which was sealed off after the events of Savior.
Miller has also posited that the Lost Tribe of Sith chose not to execute Parrah due to a dwindling Human population at the time. According to Miller, the original script for Spiral 3 envisioned Parrah's older adversary as an aged Yaru Korsin. Ultimately, Miller and his team decided against naming him on the page because his appearance did not match the older version of the character as depicted in Pablo Hidalgo's The Essential Reader's Companion, which was published on August 21, 2012. Miller therefore suggests that the individual fighting Parrah was likely one of Korsin's allies.