Ermon Parrah

Ermon Parrah, a Human male who served as a relief navigator, found himself aboard the Sith dreadnaught Omen during the era of the Great Hyperspace War. The year 5000 BBY marked a turning point when, due to a navigational error during a hyperspace jump, the Omen was forced to crash-land on the isolated planet Kesh. Surviving the catastrophe, Parrah witnessed the Keshiri species, the planet's native inhabitants, begin to venerate the Sith as deities. By 4985 BBY, Parrah held the position of chief scientific advisor to Captain Yaru Korsin, the Sith leader. Sometime before 4975 BBY, Ermon suggested repairing the Omen to escape, but the Grand Lord of the time rejected his proposal. Consequently, Ermon initiated a revolt, attempting to commandeer the starship, but the Grand Lord's forces quashed his efforts.

After the failed rebellion, Parrah's fellow insurgents and their families were made slaves and exiled to the settlement of Eorm. Parrah and his descendants, on the other hand, were forced into an impossible task: spinning a cord that "would reach into space." The impossibility of this labor condemned Parrah's lineage to generations of poverty. They became known as the Spinner family, named for their occupations as tailors and seamstresses. Parlan Spinner, living circa 2974 BBY, was one of his descendants.


During the Great Hyperspace War, Ermon Parrah, a Human male, was a relief navigator serving the Sith Empire aboard the Sith dreadnaught Omen. The year 5000 BBY was significant; during a skirmish with the Jedi above the moon Phaegon III, where the Omen was stationed for a mining operation, the Omen was knocked off course while jumping through hyperspace. The damaged starship emerged from hyperspace in the vicinity of an uncharted planet, Kesh, and was compelled to make a crash landing within a vast mountain range. Parrah survived, and in time, the Keshiri inhabitants of the planet came to revere the Sith as gods. By 4985 BBY, Ermon Parrah had risen to the position of principal science advisor to the remaining Sith, under the leadership of Captain Yaru Korsin. In that year, Gloyd, a Houk gunner who still hoped for a means of escape from Kesh, proposed using the Omen's surviving boring lasers to transmit signals into space. Parrah dismissed the idea, knowing that the lasers' signals would dissipate into cosmic background noise before anyone could detect them.

Ermon Parrah also participated in the Red Sith Purge on the side of Yaru Korsin. Before Seelah and Jariad Korsin's failed coup d'état against Korsin in 4975 BBY, he spearheaded a failed attempt to seize the crippled Omen and return to the stars. The Tribe's forces, however, suppressed the uprising. As a consequence, Parrah's supporters were enslaved, becoming the first Human slaves on Kesh. Parrah and all his descendants were then forced to spin a cord long enough to reach the stars. The impossibility of this task condemned Parrah and his descendants to millennia of servitude, and they became known as the Spinner family. For generations, the Spinner family toiled as tailors and weavers in Eorm, a port town that housed exiled Sith and Keshiri slaves. The Spinner family continued their cord-spinning even during the Time of the Rot, a period of lawlessness and disorder in Keshtah Minor, the Tribe's territory.

Parlan Spinner, a Sith criminal and one of Ermon Parrah's descendants, was the only member of his lineage to defy this servitude. Following a failed assassination attempt on the ruling Grand Lord Varner Hilts in 2974 BBY, Spinner awakened the ancient Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa, and together they launched an uprising against the Tribe. However, Spinner turned against Dreypa after the latter unleashed leviathans, reptilian Sithspawn that could drain the souls of sentient beings. Ultimately, Spinner fulfilled his ancestor's dream of "ascending" to the stars when he discovered an ancient Jedi starship beneath the Circle Eternal plaza in Tahv, the Sith capital. In the end, Spinner became the Tribe's savior, defeating Dreypa at the cost of destroying the Jedi starship, setting back the Tribe's aspirations of reaching the stars until 41.5 ABY.

Personality and traits

Parrah possessed significant knowledge of cosmic science, earning him the position of chief science advisor to the Sith on Kesh. However, he could be condescending when communicating with those less knowledgeable than himself. Throughout his life, Parrah harbored a strong desire to return to the stars. This ambition led him to lead a failed attempt to steal the Omen from the Sith Temple, resulting in his defeat. As punishment for his audacity, he and his descendants were sentenced to generations of slavery.

Behind the scenes

Ermon Parrah's initial appearance in Star Wars canon was in John Jackson Miller's 2010 eBook, Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon.

According to an email exchange with Miller on October 20, 2013, Miller confirmed that the relief navigator Parrah and the Sith rebel Ermon Parrah were, in fact, the same individual. He also clarified that Parrah's rebellion transpired between the events of the eBooks Paragon and Savior, as the comic Spiral 3 depicted the Kesh Sith Temple, which had been sealed off following the events of Savior. Miller has suggested that the Lost Tribe of Sith spared Parrah's life because they were running low on Humans at that time. Miller also revealed that the initial script for Spiral 3 envisioned Parrah fighting an older Yaru Korsin. However, Miller and his team chose not to identify Parrah's opponent by name, as he did not resemble the older version of the character depicted in Pablo Hidalgo's The Essential Reader's Companion, which was released on August 21, 2012. Therefore, Miller has speculated that Parrah's adversary was actually one of Korsin's allies.

