Peragus Mining Facility Medical Officer

The individual holding the position of medical officer at the Peragus Mining Facility was responsible for the supervision of the colony's medical operations during the Skirmish at Peragus II in 3951 BBY.


Following the commencement of hostilities triggered by the arrival of Meetra Surik and the Ebon Hawk at the facility, the medical officer opted to place the incapacitated Surik into a kolto tank. Furthermore, she moved the other passenger, Kreia – presuming her to be deceased – to the morgue. In addition, she assigned two droids, T3-M4 and an HK-50 assassin droid, to the care of the maintenance officer.

As the covert sabotage orchestrated by HK-50 within the facility escalated, the medical officer's responsibilities expanded to include not only Surik but also the increasing number of miners who sustained injuries or fatalities as a result of explosions and mining droid assaults. Following HK-50's initiation of a fuel detonation within the mining tunnels, which resulted in an emergency lockdown, she, alongside other facility personnel such as the administration officer and the dock officer, sought refuge in the Peragus dormitories.

Upon reaching the dormitories, she proposed that the surviving miners utilize their holo-transmitter to establish contact with Surik, who was still in her kolto tank. However, this suggestion was promptly rejected due to the medical computer's disconnection from the central hub. The medical officer, along with all the miners present, perished when the dormitory's ventilation system became saturated with toxic fumes.

Surik, who subsequently managed to escape the facility, later discovered the fate of the medical officer and the other miners upon personally visiting the dormitories.

