Around the time of 9 ABY, which falls within the New Republic Era, an Imperial remnant force launched multiple quick strikes against hyperspace routes. Their objective was to plunder valuable goods. These attacks were orchestrated by the commander of the remnant, whose actions threatened to draw the New Republic's attention to a larger scheme aimed at restoring the defeated Galactic Empire.

Sometime after the Galactic Empire's demise in 5 ABY, during the New Republic Era, an Imperial remnant force appeared in the galaxy. This force was under the command of an Imperial warlord holding the rank of commander. While this commander collaborated with other remnant leaders as part of the Shadow Council and participated in their plot to overthrow the ruling New Republic and reinstate the Empire, the warlord also became interested in the potential riches gained by raiding the galaxy's hyperspace routes. Consequently, around 9 ABY, the commander ordered their remnant to carry out a series of hit-and-run attacks to loot any valuables they could find.
These operations, while potentially lucrative, risked exposing the Shadow Council's broader conspiracy before their war effort had even commenced. As the commander's attacks started to attract attention, they attended a council meeting via hologram and were criticized by Captain Gilad Pellaeon, another member of the Shadow Council. Pellaeon feared that such overt attacks would lead to the New Republic discovering and dismantling their movement. The commander defended their attacks as a means of generating wealth and argued that Pellaeon—who had secured numerous resources from the council and repeatedly promised its members that Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn" would return from exile to assist in their efforts—did not understand their situation.
The act of plundering hyperspace routes was referenced in The Mandalorian episode "Chapter 23: The Spies," which debuted on Disney+ on April 12, 2023 as the second-to-last episode of The Mandalorian Season Three.