Pinrado Noza was a jockey who could be found riding fathiers at the racetrack of the Canto Casino in Canto Bight, a city located on the planet Cantonica. In 34 ABY, Noza took part in a fathier race at the racetrack, not long before Resistance operatives Finn and Rose Tico freed all of the fathiers that were kept in the casino's stables. This jockey sported a blue racing uniform, including a helmet, and had light-colored skin.
The initial appearance of Pinrado Noza was in the movie Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which premiered on December 15, 2017. Though unnamed in the film itself, the character was identified in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched alongside the movie.